Example sentences of "see it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So it 's not the six thousand figure , that that 's not really relevant as I see it to the debate about the forecast because that was simply a partial opening the bypass .
2 That 's the fundamental as far as I see it of a pension fund .
3 I see it with a rather different gloss .
4 But we must n't blame philosophers if they tell it as they see it with the aid of their philosophical telescopes and microscopes .
5 That 's how I think of it : as my home , even though I only see it for a short time every year .
6 See it on a cinema screen — you 're unlikely to have the chance on TV .
7 Well I mean I 've known this bloke , if somebody 's gon na do something like that whether they see it on a film or not , I still go out and do it , they make it .
8 Yeah it is a sixty , you see it on the top do n't you ?
9 when you actually see it on the floor , it looks totally different
10 Er I think that , that my recollection of the last meeting was that if we could just knock together a Northumberland newsletter a unison newsletter that 's quite clearly coming from the three organizations that represent the membership in Northumberland it would be better than th this national stuff has one union on it , as I see it at the moment .
11 My business statement every week is based on the position as I see it at the time and we have organised matters at the time .
12 I know that 's not the received wisdom of the profession at the moment but that 's the way I see it at the moment .
13 This means that although the State is an external , exploitative body it is not seen as such by the people who , on the contrary , see it as a kind of beneficent organism which ‘ gives ’ them the land on which they depend .
14 Far from regarding a tight budget as a restriction on their decorating , Tim and Patsy see it as a positive advantage .
15 His view of contemporary comedy as a whole is equally oblique : ‘ I see it as a very , very long trench with a worm and a piece of hot bacon nearby . ’
16 You see it as a bogus science ?
17 Venezuela stands in sharp contrast because the banks see it as a better bet than Mexico .
18 In so doing , it may also win new respect in other areas of physics , where many see it as a fascinating but over-costly irrelevance .
19 We do n't see it as a bad quality in women to put themselves down , we see it as a good one .
20 They see it as a further confirmation of their own moral righteousness in remaining committed to believing in a God who their reason tells them can not exist .
21 I strain my ears to hear it , like distant music ; my eyes see it as a very bright light very far away .
22 Local music is an altogether healthier picture , according to the group , who see it as a friendly club where bands from all divisions of music can work together without competition .
23 Clearly they all function with the agreement of their management committees and funders , and within NACAB membership conditions , In fact NACAB has democratically voted its support for a broadening of roles , by reiterating in the new membership regulations the responsibility of the management committee for ensuring that bureau workers are trained in social policy work , and that they see it as a natural complement to bureau work when dealing with individual clients .
24 The sunlight is falling like a gentle rain and I see it as a silent , unpolluting fuel ; which when it reaches the ground bursts forth in leaves and flowers and is the strength which upholds the trees , and if it failed , all life would fail .
25 They find the courage to face their neglect and rejection , and see it as a blessing in disguise to give them , at last , the freedom from the constant humiliation which was apparent during their time together .
26 Either one of two things : either the period of primitive accumulation is taken just as ‘ pre-history ’ ; in which case it has a strict time-limit … or we see it as a process of ousting ‘ third persons ’ in general — in which case the concept itself has to be abolished , since in that case it does not express anything special , specific , etc .
27 ‘ You have been sacrificed , martyred and cut off in mid-satisfaction , but see it as a noble act for the good of a world-renowned radio station that is admired as far away as Irkutsk , Tristan da Cunha and ( after the recent never-ending Arctic festival ) Greenland .
28 What to do — of anything — about the Italian Connection is a problem that has long perplexed the top administrators : some see it as a cancer at the heart of rugby ; others as a storm in a teacup of no consequence to what they see as larger and more insidious threat to amateurism in England and the rest of the ‘ Big Eight ’ .
29 I myself have no inclinations towards mysticism whatsoever : I see it as a conscious attempt to transcend the exigencies of the material world , including poverty , in the interest or pursuit of some higher mode of consciousness .
30 Other people see it as a corruption of the French place name , Ronceval , where , it is believed , the spoons were first made .
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