Example sentences of "see a [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes our pictures are so inaccurate that we see a person wrongly or miss him altogether .
2 Er , most people , when they see a question like are you sure , they say , course I 'm sure , yes .
3 Er and therefore erm I think we 'd like to some degree wait and see a bit still because er I think that you know economic circumstances of this particular moment mean that we may just have to consider that further of seeing how things progress really between now and October .
4 You never see a truck here .
5 However you see a tendency in erm after eighteen eighteen to be perhaps more serving , to be serving the interests of the er er east European powers .
6 Whilst there is always someone I can go to with a problem , on most occasions I see a case through from start to finish ’ .
7 While one school of economists , broadly on the Left , see a way forward toward economic stability and growth in employment through protection against imports , doubts are increasingly raised about how such measures can counter a developing trend towards lower job opportunities .
8 I see a man up on the hill , but when as the minutes pass he does not move it occurs to me that what I am looking at must be a stone .
9 Sometimes , when driving through a strange place , usually on the outskirts of a town , I see a building immediately recognizable as a prison .
10 I think the thing is going to come unstuck in the , I think the biggest thing is , I was thinking , is the fact that you 've got to get I would n't get a commitment from Social Services until they see a property actually ready for occupation .
11 In the religious paraphernalia and artwork of their culture , we see a religion half formed , with elusive nature spirits appearing and disappearing in all kinds of manifestations , now taking on the status of a fully-fledged deity , now evaporating into an atavistic mist .
12 Is er , is Freud saying , is he just looking at this and saying I , I see a pattern here ?
13 Whereas in the previous studies subjects have had prior knowledge of a junction and multiple exposures to it , in this study subjects only see a junction once , in just one set of traffic conditions and at the same time as making a risk assessment .
14 No , no no , no I said to her if we could just know , cos er , moving bodies and cars and so on , she probably understands but she said as soon as you see a doctor out here , speak to them and , and then we can erm , but they may know somebody
15 Unless they 've been on a course of laughing pills , no one at the doctor 's will find these jokes in the least funny , and if you laugh at them , we recommend that you see a doctor as quickly as possible since your humour gland has obviously gone mental .
16 ‘ I go to a lot of fellowship meetings and I see a counsellor once a week which gives me the tools to handle life on a day-to-day basis . ’
17 When you work for yourself , and see a job well done , you really feel you have achieved something .
18 And see a meaning there .
19 See a solicitor as soon as possible if you are thinking of divorce or separation , or if you need money or protection for you or your children .
20 ‘ With luck we 'll be able to follow this down to the coast instead , and I do believe I see a cave just up ahead , ’ Travis said encouragingly .
21 Afterwards , Maclean said : ‘ I have a nightmare every time I see a woman up there in the chair .
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