Example sentences of "again to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The third time she clambered stiffly to her feet and looked about her , dazed by the darkness outside the closed circle of torchlight , and switched off the beam to acclimatise once again to the starry night .
2 Saying he would be writing again to the Prime Minister on the matter , Mr Macdonald claimed the moral case for compensation was now overwhelming .
3 Put down an expenditure figure for each repair ( again to the nearest £100 ) .
4 The reason for the change points again to the essential dilemma trade unionism faced .
5 Success came overnight in neither case ; but a slow and steady improvement did take place , hauled back on to the right track at intervals by taking out the original contract and referring yet again to the agreed terms .
6 What was stranger still was that she seemed stressed and worried , and kept raising her wings into the wind and bending forward at it and then letting it lift her off her stand to the top of her cage where she stuck out her talons , hovered for a moment and then flopped inelegantly down again to the bare branch .
7 He moved again to the eastern window and looked out over the cottages of the headland .
8 Uphill again to the 17th , a gem of a hole on many courses yet merely ordinary at Augusta , the distinctive feature being Eisenhower 's Pine encroaching into the fairway .
9 To refer once again to the unpredicted and possibly counter-productive side effects of the legal reform movement , the effect on the ‘ rules ’ question has been at most unfortunate in the eyes of many basic grade staff .
10 Briefly , what happens is that chapters 1 and 2 of Book III take Aragorn , Legolas and Gimli from the 26th to the 28th February ; chapters 3 and 4 lead Pippin and Merry from the 26th February to the 2nd March ; chapters 5–7 return to Aragorn and his companions and ‘ leapfrog ’ them past Merry and Pippin again to the 4th March ; while in chapter 8 these two sub-groups of the fellowship meet again on the 5th , for Merry and Pippin to bring their story up-to-date again in recounted narrative .
11 The tenacity of his loyalty brought him back again and again to the perfect womanliness of Cis and the unmatchable maleness of Ifor , but in his wider field of operation they were no more than a couple of reference points : the rest of the map had to be filled in — by Philip , by Meredith , by rugby heroes , by the poets , but most of all , and as he went along , by himself .
12 Balmain , a municipality named for a swashbuckling surgeon of convicts , had come again to the Grand Final and were heavily favoured .
13 Then his gaze moved again to the Commonweal School group photograph .
14 His hand scalded her as it moved down her body , gliding silkily over the depression of her waist , across the flat planes of her quivering stomach , and back again to the graceful sweep of her hip .
15 I spoke again to the neurosurgical surgeon and explained that I had no choice but to send the patient , who needed urgent admission to casualty .
16 In the 1950s and 60s , when Britain itself needed workers , it seemed obvious to turn again to the vast army of labour which waited in the colonies and ex-colonies , and whose situation itself had been created by colonialism .
17 The idea of being sent out again to the Middle East lost what little charm it had left .
18 Gandalf and the others do not ‘ catch up ’ with Frodo and Sam till chapter 5 of Book V , but then they continue once again to the 25th March , which the two hobbits do not reach for another three chapters .
19 Next to the incessant bombardment , the stink of putrefaction and the utter desolation of the battlefield , Verdun combatants testify again and again to the terrifying isolation , seldom experienced to the same degree in other sectors .
20 Day and night they worked on it , never letting up until they 'd got it finished and slung up down at Castle Crags — you must have passed it coming up — fit to be a fortress on its own , and the net went across the crags and across again to the other side .
21 It comes up from very , very deep to the surface and then back down deep again to the other side .
22 Writing again to the Chief Rabbi , he reported rumours ‘ concerning the complete removal of all orthodox children ’ from the camp because ‘ they are too exacting for the authorities ’ .
23 Halfway up the aisle the Ted turned his head again to the packed house and in the same pained voice of injured innocence repeated , ‘ 'E were touchin' me fookin' cock . ’
24 I lapsed into a semi-coma , only vaguely conscious that we came round again to the familiar spot and waited , then headed off in a new direction .
25 I go to the odd fitness class now and again and I try to eat fairly healthily though I do succumb now and again to the odd take-away .
26 Special reports from the regional Propaganda Offices on the echo of Hitler 's New Year address admitted to a little disappointment about the lack of details of deployment of retaliatory weapons or the combating of the bombing , but otherwise resorted yet again to the usual empty clichés about restored morale .
27 But as the tables show , if interest rates rise again to the 15.4 per cent level of three years ago , this would double to £20 a month .
28 If we look forward again to the great lords of the later Middle Ages , heralds could proclaim their ancient , or moderately ancient lineage , and they carried the crest of their family , or families , on their coat of arms .
29 The anthropologists have to point again and again to the great many societies in which spouses are arranged and not freely chosen .
30 The Renaissance pulpit and the extremely grand organ above the west door have much to be said for them , but the overall effect of the interior is to drive you straight outside again to the restorative severity of tower , porch and portal .
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