Example sentences of "see [prep] example [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Other frequently reiterated problems with community service provision are the absence of effective collaboration between the different service agencies ( see Wright et al , 1988 ) , and the related fact that services tend to be delivered in a piecemeal and fragmented way without coordination at service delivery level ( see for example Challis and Davies , 1980 ) .
2 This case has been discussed at length , especially in the literature on international trade ( see for example Jones , 1971a , and Magee , 1976 ) , and has been treated as representing the effects of unionization by Johnson and Mieszkowski ( 1970 ) .
3 It is said above that one must take one of two positions : one is that stress is not predictable by rule and must be learned word by word ( see for example Jones ( 1975 ) , sections 920–1 ) .
4 If individuals are concerned about the welfare of their children , and possibly other descendants , then the level of bequests will typically take account of the expected income of future generations ( see for example Meade , 1966 ; Becker , 1974 : Stiglitz , 1978b , and Shorrocks , 1979 ) .
5 There has been some debate on how the form of the set of types may affect the type of outcomes sustainable as a sequential equilibrium in a reputation game , see for example Vickers ( 1986 ) .
6 Because of its inaccessibility , the marine ecology of the Arctic basin is poorly known ; most studies have been made from isolated shore stations off Alaska , Canada or Greenland ( see for example Alexander , 1974 ; Bursa , 1961 ; Cairns , 1967 , Clasby et al . ,
7 Elementary description had a natural place particularly where " errors of description " had been excepted and the courts tended to discover some measure of description by which the goods had been sold ( see for example Taylor v Bullen ( 1850 ) 5 Ex 779 ) .
8 See for example Askey , J. , " This is n't work , it 's fun " , Educational Computing , July/August 1985,14-15 .
9 Firstly , if the defendant receives the information in the knowledge that it is being disclosed in breach of confidence he will be bound by an obligation of confidence ( see for example Albert ( Prince ) v Strange ( 1849 ) 1 Mac & G 25 , Schering Chemicals v Falkman [ 1981 ] 2 WLR 848 ) .
10 The principal carers were , as other studies testify ( see for example Charlesworth et al , 1984 ) mainly women ( 67 per cent ) and mainly married ( 75 per cent ) .
11 For the north see for example Polunin ( 1951 ) , Young ( 1971 ) and Bliss ( 1981 ) ; Bliss ( 1981–9 ) provides a table of comparison between eight published biogeographical systems .
12 It is well known that the majority of dementia sufferers living at home receive the main part of their care from family , friends and neighbours ( see for example Bergmann , 1978 ; Levin et al , 1983 ) .
13 Several examples of subdividing statements of attainment have appeared ( see for example Archer 1989 , Miller and Portsmouth 1990 ) .
14 See for example D G S Williams ‘ Credit Limits and Risk Categories ’ , Chapter 6 , Credit Management Handbook , third edition , edited by Burt Edwards , Gower Publishing , 1990 , pages 105–113
15 The difficulties involved in determining the " true intentions " of the parties anticipated in s62(4) are particularly acute in sale and leaseback provisions ( see for example Ladbroke Leasing ( South West ) Ltd v Reekie Plant Ltd [ 1983 ] SLT 155 ) .
16 These ratings were collected for ongoing research in debiasing ( see for example Groeger and Chapman 1990 ) and they will not be described further in this thesis .
17 There is a large body of evidence that disablement incurs extra expenditure ( see for example Nissel and Bonnerjea , 1982 ; Glendinning , 1983 ; Baldwin , 1985 ; Martin and White , 1988 ) , although the measurement of that expenditure is both problematic and controversial ( Thompson et al . ,
18 However , this test has attracted criticism — see for example Edel and Sclar ( 1974 ) and Hamilton ( 1976 ) .
19 This applies particularly to discussions of retail versus manufacturer 's sales taxes ( see for example Friedlaender , 1967 ) .
20 It is possible to transfer it from one person to another so that the recipient can exercise such rights against third parties as may arise ( see for example Keene , Re [ 1922 ] 2 Ch 475 ) .
21 The first has emerged largely from the traditional study of public administration and argues that transposing a model of management developed in the private sector will fail because public sector management is distinctive ( see for example Elcock 1991 ; Pollitt 1991 ; Stewart and Ranson 1988 ; Flynn 1990 ) .
22 Afro-Caribbean and Asian children are indeed painfully aware that many teachers view them negatively and some studies have documented reports of routine racist remarks by teachers ( see for example Wright in this volume ) .
23 Similar structural irregularities emerging from quantitative analysis might involve a social group unexpectedly using variants associated with lower-status values ( see for example Trudgill 1974 : 111 ) .
24 However , differences between American Black English and standard American English , though acknowledged to be considerable , are usually discussed in syntactic terms rather in terms of an underlying semantic non-equivalence ( see for example Labov 1973 : 62 ) .
25 Although the overall prevalence of moderate to severe dementia for those aged 65 and over in Britain can not be stated with accuracy ( because the several studies conducted in this country took place in different locations , at different times , with different types of sample , and using different measures and methods of assessment of dementia ; see for example Akhtar AM et al , 1973 ; Clarke et al , 1984 and ; 1986 ; Bergmann , 1971 ; Bond & Carstairs , 1982 ; Gruer , 1975 ; Gurland et al , 1983 ; Kay et al , 1964 & 1970 ; Maule et al , 1984 ; Williamson et al , l964 ) , it can be estimated as somewhere between one per cent and seven per cent of those aged 65 and over .
26 I , you see for example York College of Further and Higher Education is vast , it is , it is a very
27 The distinction between second language learning and second language acquisition is one that has been proposed by Krashen ; see for example Krashen ( 1981 ) .
28 More thorough critical exercises have been effectively conducted by others ( see for example Dowling and Noss ( 1990 ) on the Mathematics curriculum ) .
29 This case has been extensively cited and approved in more recent authorities : see for example Littlewoods Organisation Ltd v Harris [ 1978 ] 1 All ER 1026 .
30 A typical example of a confidential collection of information might be a list of customers ( see for example Robb v Green [ 1895 ] 2 QB 315 and Summers ( William ) & Co Ltd v Boyce & Kinmond & Co ( 1907 ) 23 TLR 724 and Bullivant ( Roger ) v Eillis Ltd [ 1987 ] ICR 464 but cf Auto Securities Ltd v Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd [ 1965 ] RPC 92 ) .
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