Example sentences of "world be [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Governments around the western world are looking to some of these technical ideas to provide a form of long-term insurance against problems with metals supplies .
2 Downstairs , the widely-recommended Best Kissers In The World are rocking through a set of , well , consummate rockiness , to be honest .
3 Two of the most exclusive beers in the world are drawing in the drinkers at the only pub where they 're sold .
4 IT is obscene that TV Gladiator Hawk eats more than £120 worth of food every week when people in the Third World are dying of starvation .
5 Rolls Royce cars from around the world are arriving for the largest gathering yet of the famous vehicles .
6 More than 100 development groups throughout the world are working on the technology , many of them attempting to update old designs to work with modern engines .
7 Many groups around the world are working in these areas and the rate of data exchange using ‘ traditional ’ tapes or CD-ROM meant it could be two months before one group heard of another 's ideas .
8 MORE than 120 eminent doctors , lawyers and philosophers from all over the world were gathering in Edinburgh today to discuss whether or not to treat hopelessly-ill patients .
9 Crews from all over the world were competing at Henley this weekend … for women rowers this is the big event of the year … but times are a changing … there 'll be a women 's single sculls at this years main Henley Regatta … they 've been there before in invitation races or coxing in men 's crews but competing in international competition is quite a breakthrough
10 The attention that the magazines gave us produced a large underground following , which was really cool to have because we thought it was really bitchin' that people from all over the world were sending for our demo tape . ’
11 They said that an AI group from Austria had been in touch with them with help and support , and that people from all over the world were pressing for his release .
12 The centre 's administrator general Marion Julien said museums throughout the world were keeping in daily touch with her for information about the row over the works , which are on loan from the Pushkin Museum in Moscow and the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg .
13 Similarly , these continuing contests in the natural world were leading to areas which were specialised in their functions .
14 We believe that the world is passing through a period of considerable instability and therefore we do not propose further reductions in our defence forces .
15 Half the world is living in poverty , while the other half is over-consuming they say .
16 Yet , with its odd mix of introversion and extroversion and overbearing sense that the adult world is conspiring against the youth of today , it manages to create an almost perfect distillation of adolescence .
17 It 's nice to win races when the world is watching on Grade One tracks . ’
18 Yet at a time when the rest of the industrialized world is moving towards a forty hour week , women , many of whom may work at least eighty hours per week , are encouraged to regard this as not being work .
19 the world is moving round him in his dream ,
20 So far we have been talking about the flow of information from the company , but It can be equally important for management to receive information on how the world is thinking about the company and its activities , about rival companies and about the industry in which it operates .
21 My heart sinks ; the great indefiniteness of the world is spreading through the files like damp .
22 The Third World is competing with inadequate resources for sources of energy that are essential to begin and maintain development .
23 Just remember that the world is looking at we Christians .
24 The world is looking at us .
25 The world is looking for evidence that Christianity makes a difference .
26 But it will make you feel better able to cope with what the world is throwing at you and it will give you a better feeling about yourself . ’
27 Post-Cold War , the world is proving to be a more violent place .
28 It feels as though my whole world is collapsing about my ears — and I intend to know why ! ’
29 More than anything , it 's what makes him unique : this ability to combine a hoarse moral anger at the way the world is turning with the basic confusion shared by us all .
30 At the moment computers are increasing in speed by an average factor of ten per annum , and the number of computers in use in the Western world is increasing by about twenty-five percent per year .
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