Example sentences of "man had [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the old world the race of Man had risen from savagery to being the dominant civilisation in two short millennia .
2 As they climbed from the back of the ambulance Rachel was met by the foreman of that particular section , who informed her that the man had fallen from the top of the jig to the second section .
3 James Halden was hastening towards the Bagnigge Wells Road when he heard the cry that a man had fallen in the furnace at Smith 's .
4 They had all been inhibited from plain speaking by the lavish hospitality , the fresh scampi with avocado had been too ‘ mucked about ’ for her taste , while that dreadful black man had insisted on telling her all about his times in and out of the ring with ‘ Big Frank ’ ( ‘ a lovely suit of clothes ’ ) , interrupting himself only to raise his glass of pink wine to Sir Ralph who had , in his opinion , ‘ done us proud ’ .
5 John was a devout Christian and as a young man had hoped to be a minister , a vocation denied to him by a stammer in his speech .
6 It was 28 hours since he had driven the clapped-out Ford Capri into the street , and counted himself lucky to find a space to park that was pretty near opposite the front door from which the man had emerged with his two small girls .
7 The dead man had moved to Harlow from Horden , Co Durham , only three weeks ago .
8 Once the younger man had decided on the part he would not — because he could not — change it .
9 Hugh dragged food from his sack , the food the thin man had transferred from his saddle-bags and the remains of the Friar 's provisions ; whatever else lay in the bottom of the sack he carefully left there .
10 When she had been here three days a man had trailed up the stairs , let in by another tenant , hammering on her door .
11 Maybe the man had lived in Grantley at one time and now lived somewhere else ?
12 The man had appeared before Darlington magistrates on a drink-driving charge and was remanded in custody .
13 Mr Dearlove , 31 , of Devonshire Road , Middlesbrough , died just hours after a man had appeared in court in relation to the incident .
14 Some ten years earlier , Arthur Young had already noted the discord between the natural beauty of the landscape and what man had done to it , but he saw , too — and painters also were on the verge of seeing it — that an unrestrained industrial landscape has a considerable element of sublimity about it .
15 The castle 's stunted squad of masons and builders were still working to repair the damage the old man had done by tearing down walls in his attempt to prove these hidden glyphs were isolated aberrations , not — as they indeed were — ubiquitous .
16 The small stout man had marched on ahead , and was now humming happily to himself .
17 The second man had lunged across the target , he could remember that , and he could remember that he had kept squeezing the trigger .
18 The door was open , and the crumpled figure of a man had toppled from the passenger seat into the road .
19 The story contained an edited version of a letter the man had written to the newspaper accusing Banbury CID officers of raping and beating his wife .
20 But when the Great Third War — ’ The War To End It All ’ as the old man had written in his journal — had failed to materialise , the whole cumbersome isolation-unit had been folded up and stored away , only the metal brace remaining , for the amusement of each new generation of Shepherd children .
21 Round the corner to our right was what we journalists liked to refer to as ‘ No-Man's-Land ’ , into which no man had ventured for more than a year .
22 From the dawn of consciousness until August 6 1945 , man had to live with the prospect of his death as an individual ; since the day when the first atomic bomb outshone the sun over Hiroshima , he has had to live with the prospect of his extinction as a species . ’
23 At that time , European scholars were fascinated by the technological and , as they saw them , moral triumphs of their age , and obsessed with the necessity for progress in all fields of human endeavour ; they felt a positive obligation to contemplate continually the long , hard road along which man had struggled in his search for perfection .
24 This poor man had suffered for her inexperience all night , too .
25 Like the wind that guttered and blew out the candles , a bloodied man had broken through the dancers ' joy to break the glittering ball into dark fragments , yet still some few couples could not bear to relinquish the last moments of peace .
26 During the night I cut firewood for them , and added it secretly to the wood which the young man had cut during the day .
27 The man had survived in his pursuit of a political career by mingling adaptability with discretion .
28 And then in his soul would succeed a sort of despair , because this passion for a man had recurred in him .
29 One night a drunken man had staggered after her the length of Rosamunde Street .
30 The old man had gone to bed with instructions not to be disturbed , not unless the plan failed .
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