Example sentences of "might be hold [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The robe could be in various colours — blue , orange , white — and might be held at the waist by a belt or cord .
2 and that there is no other regular ministry held there by any other denomination of Christians whereby any adequate surveillance might be held over the moral and religious state of the community , and that consequently the sins of intemperance , Sabbath desecration , and the other vices that follow in their train have become sadly prevalent and daily increasing .
3 The pupils who do complain usually retract their allegations long before they get to the state where the teacher might be held to account .
4 The effect of this decision is to reverse the trend that was evident from the preceding cases in which there had been a gradual tendency to expand the range of third parties to whom accountants might be held to be liable as a result of errors in financial statements .
5 They were left to the existing law whatever it might be held to be .
6 In Chapter 2 we consider the formats in which data might be held for manipulation by the computer , and the types of operations appropriate to each format .
7 In the final year of the transitional period a repeat referendum to confirm the decision to secede might be held on the initiative of the republic 's Supreme Soviet or of 10 per cent of its permanent Soviet residents .
8 However , Dumas was believed to have expressed disquiet at the suggestion that Lebanese elections might be held before the proposed withdrawal of Syrian troops in September .
9 With politicians and military leaders the keeping of a diary is not only the gathering of data for a future book but can also be a form of self-defence in preparation for any post-mortems which might be held in the future .
10 ‘ Doctors say that if enough skin grows round the pellet , it might be held in place .
11 What worried her most of all was that she might be held in equal suspicion .
12 Initially , we were a little uncertain as to the type of adverts to seek and in both your absences I checked with Gerry Senior who was very helpful in advising that we would be looking for the kind of events that might be held in the Centre and not adverts relating to , for example , recruitment .
13 On May 13 , at the first official meeting between President Idriss Déby and four opposition party leaders , it was suggested that the conference might be held in September .
14 The Washington Post of June 24 quoted the co-chair of the observer delegation , Donald Payne , a member of the US House of Representatives , as saying that the elections could not be described as " completely free and fair " , and that he hoped that new elections might be held in disputed areas .
15 They seized the opportunity for independence or at least a new bargain with Moscow — regardless of whatever views might be held by the silent masses .
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