Example sentences of "might have [been] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He was looking at the ground , he seemed to be concentrating ; he might 've been trying to remember something .
2 In the past it might 've been written off as artwank .
3 She might 've been calculating something .
4 The slow-crawl music they produced might 've been linked with hardcore , but it was really ‘ the end of rock , the dying throes ’ .
5 He woke on top of her , she might 've been a beach , he might 've been abandoned there by waves .
6 And there 's Master Tristram pretending he 's not listening to his father , who might 've been sitting in the Fowey stocks by now if it was n't for that same father 's efforts . "
7 Denning J. hints that Foakes v. Beer ( 1884 ) might have been decided differently if the fusion of law and equity by the Judicature Acts 1873–1875 had been considered .
8 ‘ We 've had all those impertinent jackanapes around the place , ’ said Fagg , ‘ implying he might have been pushed . ’
9 Or do you think she might have been pushed ?
10 It could , because you could put and a sailing boat might have been pushed on by the tide .
11 Both accepted what might have been regarded as a rather dubious honour .
12 For the Life Assurance and Unit Trust Regulatory Organisation ( Lautro ) , the regulator charged with supervising life offices and their agents , one or two mishaps might have been regarded as the inevitable teething troubles of a new system .
13 This decision might have been regarded as one asserting the value of individual choice , but the Court put it on a rather different basis , saying that ‘ the implementation of the rights conferred on the employees by the Directive could not be dependent on the consent either of the transferor or of the transferee or of the employees themselves , wit
14 This might have been regarded as making the local manager 's job more straightforward but as one set of pressures was removed others made themselves felt .
15 Had the boys boarded a train to Carlisle and caused damage there , this might have been regarded as too remote .
16 Some letters might have been regarded even in the late sixth century as being historically important ; the first two , which are among the earliest in the collection , are letters from Remigius , bishop of Rheims , to Clovis , the first Christian king of the Franks .
17 In Beck v Szymonowski [ 1924 ] AC 43 a clause which provided that " the goods delivered shall be deemed to be in all respects in accordance with the contract " unless the buyer notified the seller of complaints within a stated period was held not to apply where the seller contracted to sell reels of cotton 200 yards in length but actually supplied reels of only 188 yards : the claim was " not in respect of goods delivered but in respect of goods which are not delivered " ( despite the fact that this might have been regarded as a claim that the goods did not comply with their description ) .
18 On the contrary , by correcting himself in this way the author is making a particular point : that although the occasion might have been regarded as a performance by some , that although it might have in time become a performance , this description is not an accurate representation of the narrator 's memories .
19 A decade earlier the process might have been dubbed distanciation , instead it passed with the merest ribbing and rueful acknowledgement of the new plumage .
20 Watson 's lament might have been couched in Shakespearian speech .
21 In 1849 even Richard Owen hinted briefly that the modifications of the vertebrate archetype might have been unfolded by non-miraculous causes :
22 How likely is it that the other staff would volunteer information , especially about practices in which they themselves might have been involved ?
23 Between 1945 and 1970 there were five : in 1948–9 into questions of possible bribery of ministers , chaired by Mr Justice Lynskey ; in 1957–8 into leakage of bank rate , chaired by Lord Justice Parker ; in 1959 into allegations of police assault on a boy , chaired by Lord Sorn ; in 1962–3 into a case of spying in which a minister 's moral behaviour might have been involved , chaired by Lord Radcliffe ; and in 1966–7 into the responsibility for the Aberfan disaster , chaired by Lord Justice Edmund Davies .
24 He denied knowing anything about a plan to abduct the driver or that guns might have been involved .
25 Had they seen Saturday 's encounter , the Kiwis might have been tempted to catch a plane home .
26 He might have been tempted to say , it 's sort of a job by which he meant , it 's something that I have to do .
27 In the circumstances , Benjamin Titford might have been tempted not to leave his name in the parish register , either , as his bride came gingerly down the aisle bearing his as-yet-unborn son and heir .
28 All conventional religious structures would be excluded from this sanction , as they were utterly ineffectual , and presented a useful distraction for some souls who might have been tempted towards esoteric practices .
29 It was directed at an audience to which a man of lesser wit and native grace might have been tempted to talk down ( it has to be remembered that by this time Boulestin and his restaurant had already become almost legendary ) but this was a trap into which he was at the same time too subtle and too naturally courteous to fall .
30 Again , he might have been tempted to land and feed , but he felt an urging to fly on , to travel far , as if today of all days he would begin to feel freedom at last .
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