Example sentences of "might be [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 It had already dawned on the girl that , from this moment on , she was on her own , and that there was nobody to stand between her and whatever might be devised for her in the future .
2 However , we are equally conscious that some colleges may find the pace of development too slow for their needs and are concerned to explore ways in which some of the aims of the Programme might be accelerated for those colleges which wish to develop their provision rapidly .
3 The immediate impetus came from Cromer , the inhabitants of which pointed out that Sir Bartholomew Read 's sixteenth-century £10 was sufficient for only ten boys , and that a new school for eighty or a hundred might be built for £250 .
4 Similar concern might be expressed for the continuation or development of geriatric and psychogeriatric services .
5 Denunciation might be advocated for more than one reason .
6 They might be eaten for supper with a ladleful of thick sourish cream poured over them .
7 Lucy sent Silas a side glance as she said , ‘ When I first arrived you said it might be arranged for me to see a kiwi , but I 'll quite understand … ’
8 There did not appear to be any certainty that the RHA would make capital gain out of the exercise , whether or not such gain might be applied for non-mental health purposes .
9 Triple therapy might be reserved for patients with treatment failure or with suspected penicillin hypersensitivity .
10 For he will realize that if this technique became popular , people who might benefit from new , forward-looking rules would lose their incentive to bring to court novel cases in which these new rules might be announced for the future .
11 Worse still , one might be swallowed for ever in the morass .
12 I mean you might be overcharged for them .
13 The University is informed at least 14 days in advance of any meeting or other event at which the speaker or the subject matter to which the meeting or event related is of such a nature that difficulties might be caused for the University in the discharge of its legal responsibility to ensure that freedom of speech within the law is secure for persons using its premises ;
14 They might be re-appointed for a further term but , even then , anyone in his or her late 60s is unlikely to reign long .
15 The Americans hope that the installation of Mr Mesic would bolster Croats and Slovenes who hang back from independence now ; that Mr Markovic and his economic reform would win a reprieve ; and that time might be gained for Serbian opposition to Mr Milosevic to grow .
16 Very few of us naturally look like our dogs so a little augmentation might be called for .
17 Secondly , I assumed , partly on the basis of other work , that the criminal law can be understood as a socially valid positive moral order and that , if so , some revision of legal theory might be called for .
18 In Conway ( 1990 ) 91 Cr.App.R. 142 ; [ 1990 ] Crim.L.R. 402 it was held that an identification parade might be called for notwithstanding that an identifying witness claimed to know the suspect , and had identified him by name .
19 A small show of strength might be called for to teach men like Marsco who is overlord in Ralarth . ’
20 A private or public meeting of any proposed witnesses might be called for the purpose of considering what local evidence could be adduced to support Mr. Fraser 's report .
21 By 1798 he was already comfortably settled as a linen draper within the hallowed precincts of the City of London , and had the fact entered in the commercial directories accordingly ; Titford and Barwick might be consulted for your drapery needs at 77 Bishopsgate Within , situated at the end of Suttons Court opposite the Marine Society Offices .
22 A possible ( relatively ) benign explanation might be presented for GPs ' failure to pursue a non compulsory route : that women , whose conventional role involves running the home and family , would be less willing to go into hospital precisely because of their feelings of responsibility for others in the home .
23 Four , five , even six or seven reversioners might be appointed for a single place ; and , while all might have been appointed by the King initially , this queue of hopefuls stretching into the future certainly deprived him of choice when the office became vacant .
24 I had decided that I had to face up to the fact that John might not come back or he might be gone for a long time and that when he did come back we might not love one another .
25 The same might be said for the mix of sexuality and violence in Blue Velvet .
26 As much might be said for members of her cabinet .
27 The goal was to implant " standard " English forms ( linguistic and cultural ) by inculcating a " love " of literature ( the most that might be hoped for in the elementary sector ) .71 Within the higher sectors ( preparatory , secondary , grammar , and public schools , as well as colleges of various kinds ) the aim was much broader .
28 To the English , no settlement could be envisaged without consideration of their king 's claim to the crown of France , a claim which might be compensated for by the grant of other territories in France , to be held in full sovereignty .
29 The biography suggests that Eliot was never to lose the divided sense of his youth that human life is futile and meaningless — that man is ‘ a finite piece of reasonable misery ’ , in the words of William Drummond of Hawthornden , a good poet who was also a great plagiarist , and a great seeker of shelter in books — but that an eternal order might be felt for , or invented .
30 He saw the new drugs as a threat to his well-being , and lived in dread of the day when they might be prescribed for him .
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