Example sentences of "might be the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This wo n't tune in this one , it might be the tuner itself .
2 THEY might be the underdogs but Sunder land have proved in the past that when it comes to Wembley finals they can rise to the occasion .
3 Maybe somebody would come to the library and that might be the spur that they need " .
4 For example the opening of a new road , bridge or tunnel might be the spur for an investigation of older forms of communication in the area .
5 For example , early indicators of investment success under a cost-leadership strategy might be the proof , at an embryonic stage of the life-cycle , that the product matches its rivals in quality but is being produced at lower cost .
6 He then holds up his own ideal , a calculated inversion which in a normal man might be the text for a denunciation of what Cicero called the treachery ‘ lurking under the false show of loyal service ’ : At this point , normally , the attack on evil would be made ; but Iago unconcernedly identifies himself with this group : ‘ These fellows have some soul , /And such a one do I profess myself ’ ( 53ff . ) .
7 The participant makes a choice to enter make-believe play , a game or drama ( all three require an ‘ as if ’ gloss , although in the game form it is rarely explicit — charades might be the exception ) ; he enters the make-believe play , game or drama with the intention of temporarily ‘ bracketing off ’ practical life so that he might experience this specially contrived ‘ present ’ .
8 There are no nation states , or if there are , then Iceland might be the exception that proves the rule : where territorial state boundaries are coterminous with what might be described as a ‘ nation ’ .
9 Departmentation by numbers alone is rare ; an example might be the organisation of a conscript army of infantrymen into divisions , and battalions etc .
10 However , the Department ( of Education and Science ) had little information about the working of the Act in this phase of education and offered no information about the numbers of children who may be receiving special education under the age of five nor of the number of children who might be the subject of statements below school age .
11 Without going into matters which might be the subject of the inquiry , can the Secretary of State confirm , first , that there have been recurrent problems with the signalling at either end of the line , as a result of the damp ; and , secondly , the system in case of an emergency and a red light was for the relevant engine drivers physically to get out of the cab and use a telephone near the tunnel ?
12 Now Ruth might be the year queen .
13 It was recently suggested that these might be the products of an Italian maiolica workshop rather than Spanish as has long been believed .
14 Were we not concerned with a historical religion we could settle such matters as to who might be the ministers in the religion ( if indeed there were to be any ) on a priori ethical grounds .
15 ‘ THIS RECORD might be the stuff of tragi-comedy , but the funereal tune with cumbersome guitars and world-weary singing kills any irony that may be hidden in the lyrics . ’
16 What for the insider might be the purification of a defensible religion by its exposure to scientific criticism , would for the outsider be one more step along the path to destruction as an inherently implausible account of human destiny was shown up for what it is .
17 It might be the name of a character ( there was one already he was sure sounded familiar ; it was one of his bits of Evidence ) , it might be the description of a place or a sequence of events … all he needed was that Key .
18 The only hazard might be the person who you find yourself seated next to .
19 The idea that you might be the person we 've been looking for came after I 'd met you . ’
20 I felt that he might be the person to bring out the spiritual element in Joyce 's life , as well as the comedy .
21 Or it might be the breaking of an oath or the refusal to accept the decrees of Rome , as with King John .
22 Once again Sunderland had to thank goalkeeper Tony Norman for some inspired saves but at first it seemed that he might be the villain of the piece after gifting bottom-of-the-table Brighton an 11th minute lead .
23 as to which of those distinguished people should be dispensed with , but nevertheless it might be the advantage of everybody if the numbers of the cabinet were reduced to sixteen , I personally thought that for a very long time .
24 An example might be the provisions which state that the child 's welfare is to be the first consideration in decisions relating to adoption and children in care ( Sections 3 and 59 ) .
25 The precise aetiology remains unclear but fibroblasts and myofibroblasts are thought to have a central role , and superoxide free radicals might be the stimulus to myofibroblast proliferation .
26 She had doubts about the road but then found herself driving along the grey fortress walls of what she hoped might be the Castello Crocetto .
27 Public opinion responds to the conjunction of culture and event and solidifies either old or burgeoning values as might be the case .
28 This is because the study of poetry as poetry — rather than as historical or cultural material — is a matter of intuitive and affective response , not just of willingness to accept an intellectual discipline , as might be the case with philosophy , economics , and so forth .
29 So we begin to understand the masculine fear in the early modern period of being effeminized — not , as might be the case today , by erotic contact with other men , but by excessive contact with women .
30 This might be the case with provocation , for example : there may be objections to some of the distinctions now drawn by the law of provocation , but a broader defence of extreme emotional disturbance might provide for reduction of the offence in cases of loss of self-control when caring for a baby or when arrested by a police-officer known to be acting lawfully , and some might feel that there are strong arguments against this .
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