Example sentences of "might be call [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Occasionally other ministers might be called into those discussions .
2 He proposed to draw up what could be learned of the history of this area , and hoped that the Earl of Northumbria would ask his old men to do the same , when a meeting might be called to their mutual benefit .
3 Very few of us naturally look like our dogs so a little augmentation might be called for .
4 Secondly , I assumed , partly on the basis of other work , that the criminal law can be understood as a socially valid positive moral order and that , if so , some revision of legal theory might be called for .
5 In Conway ( 1990 ) 91 Cr.App.R. 142 ; [ 1990 ] Crim.L.R. 402 it was held that an identification parade might be called for notwithstanding that an identifying witness claimed to know the suspect , and had identified him by name .
6 A small show of strength might be called for to teach men like Marsco who is overlord in Ralarth . ’
7 A private or public meeting of any proposed witnesses might be called for the purpose of considering what local evidence could be adduced to support Mr. Fraser 's report .
8 Or , alternatively , homosexuality might be called upon to loosen the rigid gender identities within heterosexuality : men are permitted a ‘ feminine ’ component and ( though less oft en ) women a ‘ masculine ’ one .
9 In Arequipa I had watched women in the church of Santo Domingo giggle happily as they dressed the Virgin for a procession ; , behaving much as if they had been preparing a girl for a wedding , not a poor girl though , rather one Velasquez might be called upon to paint .
10 This is a splendid incentive for people to listen hard since they never know when they might be called upon to paraphrase what they have heard .
11 At the time my idea of manhood was personified as someone who had to work hard at a job he hated in order to support not only himself , but other people whose very existence he resented ; someone who was forever having to make difficult decisions and take frightening initiatives , both of which ended in frustration ; and someone who might be called upon to fight in wars ( National Service was then still in operation ) and kill people .
12 To do this successfully , the soldier had to be ready : he had to train in military skills which he might be called upon to use .
13 Rather , my concern is to identify the salient characteristics of a place that might be called upon , singly or together , in any analyses which seek — like those in chapters 4 and 5 — to understand the nature of spatial variability and spatial change .
14 South African government sources were reported to have hinted that Thatcher might be called upon to help negotiators reach a constitutional settlement , although it was unclear what role she might have .
15 There was until recently one situation in which the Monarch might be called upon to exercise a degree of discretion but even this has now in practice been removed as the result of party political developments that took place between 1957 and 1965 …
16 They were assisted by other emergency teams who might be called upon in the case of a real emergency .
17 Er there 's a book , which I do n't think is on your list but it might be called By Thorn and Henley er which might be worth looking at .
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