Example sentences of "might [vb infin] been a " in BNC.

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1 He woke on top of her , she might 've been a beach , he might 've been abandoned there by waves .
2 Got the ball away when it might 've been a fourth Pisa corner .
3 possible , it might 've been a joke and she had managed to convince him unclear
4 It is the high quality of musical performance , as well as the staging , which somehow make what might have been a curiosity into an entertaining and disturbing theatrical experience .
5 The reaction to that speech - and my reaction to that , the attempt to explain and apologise — put a firm stop to any hope I might have had that I might have been a candidate for leadership of the party . ’
6 Phoebe , who might have been a slut , had in fact become exactly the opposite — she had not time or patience or tolerance for anyone she considered to be exploiting the manual work of other women .
7 That is because , even though Maine might have been a better guide than Morgan concerning the evolution of kinship , Morgan was a much better guide than Maine concerning the evolution of property .
8 For all Wexford knew or could remember there might have been a bank robbery in that city at that time .
9 With 80 per cent of the seats in the arena again empty , it might have been a good opportunity to bus in the LTA 's young hopefuls to see for themselves what success in the game requires .
10 It might have been a Seiko , but I could n't be sure .
11 Publishing the old figures compiled from Job Centres , said Mr Hibbert , alongside the new ones might have been a good idea just to show how misleading the old ones had been .
12 Had Hagi played for Dinamo Bucharest , whose future is now in doubt because of its links with the notorious security police , Securitate , it might have been a different matter .
13 It might have been a different person .
14 The little blue trolls from space , the black-eyed pointy-chinned grey things in charge , the anal probing they inflicted on Christopher Walken inside something that looked like it might have been a UFO , event he awe-inspiring ham standard of Walken 's performance — they were all OK .
15 Later I learned that the wedding had nearly been postponed , as the two families thought I might have been a terrorist uttering a veiled warning against the nuptials .
16 The drummer , white haired , might have been a conjuror drawing rabbits from his instrument 's interior .
17 ‘ Killing Angela Brickell might have been a moment 's panic .
18 Complications at the time of birth may cause mental handicap in the young child which might have been a normal foetus .
19 This might have been a drawback of such accounts but for the fact that linguistic accounts understood in accord with the current consensus among analytic philosophers either are not possible or lack any philosophical interest .
20 Roland said , ‘ We thought there might have been a correspondence .
21 Things might have been a little different if Tony Crosland had still been at the Department of Education and Science , but I doubt it .
22 But as Henry remarked to Elinor as the cortège moved away from Darby 's , the undertaker in the village , a charabanc might have been a more decent way of moving the extraordinarily large number of people who turned out for what Sprott referred to as ‘ the big goodbye ’ for Donald Templeton MD .
23 He believes fans would have preferred a more lavish packaging for ‘ Bizarro ’ and that its fierce edge might have been a reaction to signing with RCA .
24 He has been described as ‘ eccentric ’ but esoteric might have been a more suitable word .
25 When he is sentenced to gaol he pleads in mitigation that he ‘ might have been a better citizen if I 'd had the levels ’ , to a Judge who did n't understand what he was saying , and of course the last page sees him studying for ‘ the levels ’ in prison .
26 There was no tea break but Mr John and a woman , who she thought might have been a chaperone , would go into a little room at the end , where she fancied they had a nip or two .
27 It was a bit everything-but-the-kitchen-sink on sexual politics , and its switches from comedy to Myra McFadden 's chilling incest victim 's song might have been a bit startling , but I still felt pleased with it and learned ( I hope ) an awful lot from it , mainly about structure which I find hard , and how to pinch plots from people who knew how to do it .
28 ( You 'd think he might have been a bit more careful — after all , this was n't happening in the Dark Ages before birth control was invented . )
29 Even though he did not cast a vote , I suspect that John Major 's words of approval to Conservatives fighting Kevin MacNamara 's Wild Mammals Protection Bill might have been a tactical error .
30 Hoping for elegance ( such a strive ) and wishing she was taller for , although her figure was fine , given the height , two inches or four , she might have been a model .
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