Example sentences of "another example [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Cameroun provides another example of a country whose stability was seriously jeopardized by a major crisis over the succession to the presidency .
2 Another example of a terminological difficulty arises in the section in which Kemp briefly examines the relation between perspective and eighteenth-century theories of perception .
3 Faldo , who has a feud-ridden history with some members of the AGW , could be forgiven for thinking that this is yet another example of a lack of sympathy with his cause .
4 Brittle toffee is another example of a glass ; it consists mainly of non-crystalline sugar , while some kinds of fudge are devitrified toffee .
5 Egypt is another example of a country which , like Pakistan and China , has a long history of irrigation , in this case in the Nile Valley ( section 3.4.2 ) beginning some 5 kyr BP .
6 Another example of a library with a particularly well-designed functional sign system is the Van Pelt Library , University of Pennsylvania , USA .
7 Contraction at just one tenth of this rate seemed small beer to astronomers , and was presented by the popular media ( where they took any notice at all ) as another example of a way-out scientific idea that had been undermined by more careful studies .
8 Alternatively it could have developed as another example of a prey-killing poison that has been secondarily used against attackers .
9 Again , like Hepworth , this could be another example of a later event being added to one already in existence .
10 Bill Wyman 's Framus Star bass is another example of a poor relation whose profile rocketed alongside the fame of its player .
11 It is another example of a spontaneous order .
12 ‘ Full many a glorious morning ’ has been ruined and disgraced by ‘ the basest clouds ’ : They ‘ may ’ stain : the ambiguity of the verb ( ‘ it can happen ’ ; ‘ it is allowed ’ ) points up the ambivalence of feeling , for the poem is clearly another example of a strategy we have already found in the Mistress poems , an apparent exculpation which is in fact an indictment .
13 Germany 's performance seems yet another example of a successful rival economy taking the sort of long-term view that still eludes us .
14 This is another example of a treaty device to include third parties in the treaty arrangement .
15 Another example of a treaty between an organisation and a State under which member States claim rights is a Headquarters Agreement .
16 But viewed from Europe this could easily be seen as yet another example of a US-Japan alliance designed to maintain the status quo of world computer dominance .
17 Homonyms are another example of a way of distinguishing between identical sounding words . )
18 In the following extract ( 13 ) , there is another example of a mismatch between speakers ' topics , brought about by a misunderstanding of the intended meaning of a particular word .
19 Another example of a mirror charge , this time in a cylinder , is provided by Figs 2.22 and 2.23 , redrawn in a more suitable form in Fig. 2.36 .
20 Another example of a quite deliberately imposed implementation problem is the adoption of administrative procedures that are explicitly designed to affect the impact of a policy .
21 The regulations recently produced were indeed unhelpful when attempting to contain disturbed young people , but it is again another example of a ‘ knee-jerk ’ reaction to believe that tighter guidelines will cure the problem .
22 Project teams are another example of a simple matrix structure .
23 Another example of a conflict between official and unofficial group norms can be drawn from a situation where a group itself decides to operate a certain level of output over a given time , regardless of targets set by the management in their search for increased efficiency and productivity .
24 The solar wind is another example of a plasma ( section 2.2.2 ) in this case a plasma in motion .
25 The nightmare of childhood lived daily by orphan children in Romania is another example of a state of dreadful innocence abused by adults which is too painful to comprehend and yet which has become part of the domain of childhood as understood in Britain , just as images of the abuse of children by adults are also part of our daily reference to the violent world of childhood .
26 Is that ending of the arm's-length principle Government policy or is it another example of a Minister , who knows that he has only another five weeks in the job , making a remark entirely of his own without consulting his civil servants , the Arts Council or any of the national companies ?
27 To give the House another example of a fault in the management of the prison service , I remember taking part in a case several years ago involving a prison breakout .
28 Another example of a Markov chain is the movement pattern of a business executive who visits four cities each week .
29 This is another example of a procedure which is characteristic of the rational expectations approach to the use of information : the elements of , must be exploited in such a way that no better predictor of can be found without further , and by definition subsequent , enlargement of the information set .
30 Another example of a dispersal anachronism is the extraordinary palm , Lodoicea maldivica , now restricted to small areas of the Seychelles .
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