Example sentences of "might [verb] [pn reflx] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Well if he 's coughing as well and he might make himself sick .
2 He said she had ruined her chances by obstinacy and might count herself lucky to live on Benedict 's charity . ’
3 Not all Ruth 's time with the other servants was disagreeable , but she quickly found that Millfield 's own staff had little time for the servants of visitors , especially anyone they thought might consider themselves superior .
4 You might surprise yourself one night by wanting to feel his arm around your shoulder .
5 If she broke free now , before the silken bonds that bound her to Michele had a chance to grow any tighter , she might save herself untold heartache , if nothing else .
6 I think we might remind ourselves that justice begins in Court , not on the street .
7 Eadmer gives a curiously confused account of Anselm 's motives at this time , but one thing stands out clearly : Anselm would not bring about the chaos in personal relationships and conflict of obligations which he might find himself obliged to precipitate if he read the letter .
8 Simon was made aware that he might find himself obliged to stand down as a Parliamentary candidate if he failed to make an honest woman out of the Press Lord 's daughter .
9 However , among the lucky or sheltered it is common enough for someone to have the uneasy feeling that he is living too comfortably , might find himself unprepared to cope if his present security were to collapse , lacks adequate understanding of miseries outside his experience .
10 People facing retirement might find themselves responsible for the care of others for a number of different reasons .
11 For example , where there are natural monopolies , it might be difficult for a well-intentioned and determined DHA to effect changes : indeed , it might find itself more pre-occupied with trying to contain the natural inclinations of monopolists to raise prices without commensurate improvements in quality .
12 As she could not stop , he had arisen , telling her that she might cry herself sick , but that he was going to Mrs Inigo , a woman who was n't quite such a cold poultice .
13 There is some justification for this caricature of the typical computer user — though customers ' critics might ask themselves first how well-written the manuals are , before complaining that people never read them .
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