Example sentences of "might [verb] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 But some creditors might prefer a bigger pay-out sooner to financing a risky and expensive test-case .
2 To examine the factors which might explain the higher mortality from sudden infant death syndrome in Maori infants ( 7.4/1000 live births in 1986 compared with 3.6 in non-Maori children ) .
3 We therefore used data from a large case-control study to look at differences between Maori and non-Maori children and examine factors that might explain the higher mortality from sudden death infant syndrome among Maori children .
4 Someone sensitive and caring might make a better leader or salesperson than someone more competitive .
5 At level 8 , this might include some debating activities within a formal structure , opportunities to give talks on a topic of individual interest or expertise , leading a group activity towards a planned outcome or presentation ( which might include a wider audience than the class ) .
6 If the taxes that individuals pay for a local public good were higher as a consequence of higher income , the poor might enjoy a greater quantity of a local public good if they were resident in a high-income area .
7 A man weighs about as much as 3000 mice , and might need a bigger dose on the same scale .
8 However , by July there were signs of more serious trouble and City analysts believed that Eurotunnel might need a further £1bn to pay for a near tripling in the cost of the shuttle fleet and meet the rapidly increasing costs of labour and materials in South East England .
9 A plan is a very good way of addressing that but unless you can get a plan out in under five minutes , yeah , then it mi you might consider a better use of your time .
10 Thus the only way by which the government might achieve a higher level of output would be by cheating , by not following the rule it says it will follow .
11 If you want a stable boat for the whole family to use and generally potter around in , you might choose a larger cruising dinghy .
12 The faster evaporation of the surrounding material might undermine the slower-evaporating dusty regions .
13 To propose that the separation of assessment from provision might provide a better incentive to create a needs-led service , than professional judgement , is to show a degree of confusion about the origins of our present predicament ( shortage of resource ; bureaucratization , etc. ) bordering on the incredible .
14 Or , if you like to spend a long time in the tub , you might like a wider one , which may well fit into the existing space .
15 Mr Lenarduzzi 's sleep is also disturbed by the thought that the interests of the nation may only be served at the expense of local needs or , indeed , that purely academic considerations might distort the wider implications of a proper education .
16 Evidence gathered from a cross section of different employers suggested that while the female-dominated nursing profession might fare no worse in the way its job performance is rated , bias is almost certain to enter the merit pay process when those ratings are translated into pay awards .
17 He certainly held deep convictions as to the absolute wrongness of the Liberal policies that he opposed , but at least a part of his apparent hostility was assumed for the occasion , a hard line that might secure a better compromise in the end .
18 He talked about using force but knew that such a step might provoke a greater crisis or might even break the loyalty of his army .
19 A sense of detachment might produce a sharper view , but he felt unreal , as if the scene he was viewing was nothing more than a backdrop at a theatre which might roll itself up and disappear when the present act was over .
20 The suggestion put forward by Kraemer and Roberts ( 1984 ) ( see above , p. 119 ) that the retrieval of more ‘ important , associations will be less dependent on contextual cues implies that a change of context might produce a greater loss of effectiveness in the inhibitory than in the excitatory association .
21 By late March only seven of a reported 571 oil well fires had been capped and it was estimated that it might take a further three years to extinguish all the fires .
22 According to the Observer of Feb. 2 , 1990 , IMF Managing Director Michel Camdessus suggested , in an IMF meeting on Dec. 18 , 1989 , a number of ways in which debtors might take a tougher stance in negotiations with the commercial banks .
23 The desire for improved services was centred among Congregationalists and Baptists while what we might call a larger search for dignity pertained to all the major denominations ; the Congregationalist , Dr George Barrett , told a 1900 meeting of the Free Church Council that ‘ Nonconformists have not yet enlisted the imagination as a handmaid to faith …
24 These are very very cheap discounted tickets er usually using what we might call the dodgier carriers of the world , not necessarily those which have got a bad safety records or crash records , but where the cuisine is n't quite as good on board , or you do n't get an inflight movie .
25 A significant difference between the LVF and RVF on " same " trials might imply a faster rate and/or greater magnitude of adaptation in one visual hemifield .
26 Individuals might develop a closer sense of identity with the organisation — eg. through personal association with the owner-managers .
27 However , I believe that in the longer run , as production processes become more automated , Kaplan 's activity-based costing concepts will find their main application at the stage of product design and investment selection , although they might have a wider application in service industries , such as the Health Service , and in the control of non-manufacturing costs .
28 Thus , even medieval land law , although conscious of the principle that third parties to a contract can not sue or be sued upon it , recognised that the covenants in leases might have a wider operation than in ordinary contracts .
29 I felt they might have a better chance of getting to the capital if they were folded into paper aeroplanes and launched out of the door .
30 It might have a better chance of survival at home with me .
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