Example sentences of "another [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The loose coupling relation REQUIRES-BINARY-OF should be used if a module requires only the binary of another during a build .
2 Christopher Claridge died after his parachute became tangled with another during a display .
3 Candidates shall not communicate with one another during an examination .
4 Nursing a pint of Foster 's lager — and ordering another through a hatch at the Irish bar in downtown Denver — black-shirted Slater breezily outlines his strategy .
5 Down a steep hard-heading , that is a part of the drift driven from one seam to another through a fault .
6 Hazards were taken to be simple , which include a single damaging element such as wind , rain , floodwater or earth tremor ; compound , which involves several elements acting together above their respective damage thresholds such as the wind , hail and lightning of a severe storm ; and multiple , when elements of different kinds coincide accidentally or follow one another as a hurricane may be succeeded by landslides and floods .
7 It was good to see references at last to what I had always understood to be the correct meaning of hostage ( April 27th ) — that is , ‘ a person given to another as a pledge ’ ( Oxford dictionary ) .
8 How is it possible for an external symbol , as well as one in the internal representational medium of the creature 's mind , to be employed by one animal and perceived by another as a request for a specific tool ?
9 Freezing for a second , he raised himself upright and , standing on a stronger limb , used another as a guide-rail .
10 Spain has found one role as champion of the EC 's poor countries , another as a bridge-builder between the Community and North Africa .
11 Changes in synaptic connectivity between one neuron and another as a result of learning along hebbian lines might involve the dendrites increasing in length , or changing in branching pattern , or the numbers of their spines might alter .
12 In that case , which involved the transfer of patients and the lease of a building from one drug dependency foundation to another as a result of the local authority 's decision to transfer its subsidy , the Court took the same view that the decisive criterion was whether the business in question retained its identity and adopted a similar approach to the range of factors to be taken into account by the national court in deciding this matter .
13 The details of the experiment are not really relevant ; the point of extract ( 11 ) is to show how eight-year-olds use one another as a resource in the exchange of information .
14 If the earth were in orbit , it would surely be possible to detect stellar parallax — a change in the perceived position of one star relative to another as a consequence of the earth 's motion through space .
15 Whatever one man tells another about a woman 's sexual inclinations and whether or not she demonstrates her unwillingness , it is hard to see why a man should be able to rely for consent on the word of another man or why there should be no obligation upon him to consult her himself .
16 The chapter first provides a critical overview of the standard ‘ referential communication task ’ , where a child 's skills are gauged when required to communicate with another about an array of objects or drawings , while speaker and hearer can not see one another , being placed behind opaque screens to encourage verbal and preclude non-verbal communication .
17 Thus informed and protected you are ready — but only if it seems right for you — to embark upon a sexual journey that will last in one way or another for a life time .
18 It was one thing for her to be rude about a fellow female , quite another for a man .
19 Does the Minister think that it is satisfactory for the people of Teesside to be faced with an application for a power station , another for a gas plant for the power station , and a separate application for the overhead line ?
20 Today , the French judiciary is prey to the criticism that there is one law for a German and another for a Frenchman .
21 The French judiciary is prey to the criticism that there is one law for a German and another for a Frenchman
22 Then they looked at one another for a second and kissed passionately .
23 The NIE advert was Yasmin 's first appearance in a commercial , but she has already recorded another for a bank and hopes for more work .
24 He said : Any contract by which a person engages to give his exclusive services to another for a period necessarily involves extensive restriction during that period of the common law right to exercise any lawful activity he chooses in such manner as he thinks best .
25 ‘ These console type games costing around £36 are not cheap so I thought customers could bring back their used games within , say , a month and swop for another for a fiver , ’ said Mrs Spence .
26 As they turned up River Street it was coming down the hill and there would n't be another for an hour .
27 " There wo n't be another for an hour ! " she cried .
28 Often the coincidence turns out , on the shortest examination , to be unremarkable : typically , it might consist of two acquaintances from school or university running into one another after a gap of several years .
29 It is not known whether addictive disease is one disease that has different drugs or behaviours of choice according to each individual sufferer or group of sufferers or whether these groups correspond to one or another of a range of addictive diseases .
30 This occurs , following the Formalist principle of defamiliarization , when existing linguistic or literary practice ( a ‘ norm ’ ) is violated at one level or another of a text 's structure , which then itself becomes dominant .
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