Example sentences of "away from [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In unfair dismissal cases , it is understandable that industrial tribunals tend to shrink away from complex arithmetic .
2 ( There were even reports of some of them being sent to bases in Iran well away from Allied bombing , much as had been done with civil aircraft in Amman in the 1980s . )
3 In the Congressional elections of 1942 the trend away from New Deal reform continued as the Republicans increased their numbers .
4 How much better if this shrill hyper-nationalism were sliced away from New Democracy .
5 And certainly the unusual ( for Northwest Europeans ) pattern of economy , settlement , and social organization , in part a matter of a starkly unfamiliar physical habitat , may have prompted a swerving away from other culture areas .
6 When a pair of zebra finches are courting , they try to do so away from other colony members , and with good reason .
7 And that 's just the competition Crosby wants to shoot the club away from lingering relegation danger .
8 The trend must therefore be away from sole reliance on chemical control and towards the integration with other methods , be they environmental , biological , genetic , therapeutic or educational .
9 You will have your own way of dealing with these reactions but one of the teacher 's functions in a group playback session is to be aware of individual reactions of this kind and to steer discussion away from subjective comment if necessary .
10 So he ought , thought Sally-Anne , and so he is , and , desperate to change the conversation , to steer it away from dangerous ground , she said , as brightly as she could , through numb lips , ‘ Sha n't we miss the last horse bus home if we do n't leave soon ? ’ thinking how fortunate it was that Stair had not told Dr Neil the other heiress 's identity — Sally-Anne Tunstall might have been a dead give-away ; she really ought to have changed her Christian name .
11 Surprised villagers , grateful at first for free entry to anything , crept away from improvised stage sketches in a prepared nonlanguage .
12 The involvement of approved social workers ( ASWs ) in the assessment process was associated with diversion of many of the women away from compulsory admission , although even they appeared affected by patriarchal assumptions .
13 This indicates a significantly greater diversion of women , following ASW assessment , generally with a psychiatrist , away from compulsory admission when referred by GPs .
14 This combination of data — an excess of GP over other referrals of women , together with a significantly greater likelihood of diversion of women referred by GPs away from compulsory admission compared with other female referrals — suggests apparent discrimination on the part of GPs against women .
15 Second , Arabic negative particles come in front of the verb , so that an expression such as I had nothing against becomes literally ‘ not was for me any objection ’ , thus pushing the ‘ me ’ further away from thematic position .
16 Women were brought aboard the ships , too — but the crews , despite so many months away from female company , did not find much sexually attractive about them .
17 Centre manager Carl Bendelow said visitors heard an outline of the national growth in teleworking in response to a growing number of firms needing to get away from expensive city offices .
18 These services were taking much-needed capital away from industrial investment and they were , some claimed , creating attitudes and styles of living that were inimical to hard work and increased productivity — a claim discussed in the following chapter .
19 Even seemingly wild ideas may be aired at this point to break away from stale thinking .
20 Within days of the Utah press conference Representative Walker convinced some members of the US Congressional Energy Research and Development Committee to shift five million dollars away from hot fusion into test-tube fusion .
21 The essential character , however , is a world away from Daedalic angularity .
22 He moved away from mere professionalism towards the art of a leading man in plays which required first-rate acting , performing in plays by Shakespeare , Oscar Wilde , H. G. Granville-Barker , Sir J. M. Barrie [ qq.v. ] , and Ibsen .
23 Hence Mr Bush 's decision in 1989 to edge away from pure Reaganism by asking his energy secretary , James Watkins , to put together a national energy strategy .
24 A growing number of influential voices are calling for a more radical move away from pure PR .
25 Strong female character in this one as he breaks further away from pure blood and guts .
26 It is quite clear getting rid of the Wages Councils would result in lower wages , poor jobs , and a move away from equal pay .
27 One allocation that would be both efficient and equitable in this sense would be an initial endowment at 1 where both A and B have the same X and Y. Since they face the same budget constraint , each can have what the other has so that any trades away from equal allocation to the contract curve must meet the reverse allocation test illustrated as part ( b ) of the figure .
28 And now the man who yearned with all his heart for all his life to be a woman and who is just months away from radical surgery wants to remain a man .
29 However , recent changes in the organisation of health care are taking power away from federal government to state and local authorities .
30 ‘ It would be a massacre of the innocent by the ignorant — perhaps the biggest transfer of wealth away from personal ownership that this country has seen , ’ said Mr Major .
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