Example sentences of "why do he not " in BNC.

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1 So why did he not sort it out three years ago ?
2 Since the Government 's own inspectors had said that half of secondary school children were being educated in substandard buildings why did he not cancel the CTC programme and use the money to repair Britain 's crumbling schools ?
3 Why did he not ask help , have his wounds bandaged ?
4 ( Why did he not accept ?
5 ‘ If he reached the manor , why did he not come back to look for his master ?
6 Why did he not quote the decisive passages which they contained ?
7 In considering Lanfranc 's letter of 1072 , we were faced with the question : Why did he not produce them at the papal court ?
8 Why did he not ?
9 If he was terrified , why did he not run for safety , as any sensible rabbit would ?
10 Why did he not speak , stop Havvie ?
11 If he meant to take her , why did he not do so ?
12 Why did he not decide to reduce the three para battalions to the new standard size ?
13 Erm , as we know , Bullitt was a member of the delegation and an intimate of , of Wilson , so the book is er co- authored , so in a sense we should know as we 're paying for , for all of it , because er , obviously , he relied on Bullitt to give him all this biographical information , and er , consequently what you see Freud doing in this in this book is , is er trawling through , as it were , the things that Bullitt told him , that , that Bullitt had found out , to erm , draw a kind of psy psychoanalytic portrait of Woodrow Wilson , that erm , tried to explain his problem , why did he not deliver the goods as it were .
14 But if the speaker wished the hearer to recover these effects , why did he not simply produce the utterance in [ 33 ] ?
15 If he is so concerned , why did he not come and talk to us ? ’
16 Why did he not do this instead ?
17 Instead of calling in the army why does he not call in the arbitrators and give back London a proper service ? ’ .
18 Many times have I heard people say , ‘ But if there is a God up there , then why does he not help me in my dilemma ? ’
19 When I told her that Umbarak was still alive and sometimes visited London , she asked , ‘ Why does he not come to sit with Zayed ? ’
20 But why does he not do something ?
21 Why does he not telephone again ?
22 Rather than procrastinating with shadow trusts , why does he not do what the incoming Labour Government will do and abandon the ill-conceived , ill-considered , useless and unwanted ideas about trust hospitals ?
23 Why does he not give the hon. Member for Bolton , North-East ( Mr. Thurnham ) a copy of last month 's Department of Employment gazette , which shows that the rise in telecommunication charges during the past year has been 7 per cent .
24 Why does he not take note of that widespread feeling ?
25 If the right hon. Gentleman is so concerned about unemployment and recession , why does he not acknowledge the impact that his minimum wage would have upon unemployment ?
26 Why does he not acknowledge what the £6 billion-worth of cuts in defence would do to employment ?
27 Why does he not acknowledge what the impact of his tax on savings would do to investment ?
28 Why does he not acknowledge what his strikers charter would do to industrial relations ?
29 Why does he not acknowledge what his party 's attitude to inward investment would do to jobs in the north-east , in Wales , in Scotland and in many other parts of the country ?
30 If he is that much of a wimp , why does he not get out of the road and let us take over ?
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