Example sentences of "why [noun prp] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This is why Patrick has never set much store by material things .
2 She could see why Ian did too .
3 ‘ I 'm beginning to understand why Garry went overboard for you , ’ he said huskily .
4 That 's why Haliborange have just brought out a new Multivitamin Liquid containing essential vitamins A to E in the proportions that a growing child needs .
5 In fact she had wondered before why Johnny had always worn civvies , as he termed them , on his visits to the cottage .
6 Then he tells me about the clothes allowance , and then I know why Sue looks so dishy three times a week , and then I start to salivate because you get to keep them !
7 Perhaps that is why Heather felt more at ease with the likes of you and I than with her family and the friends they chose for her . ’
8 ‘ That 's why Simon had so many men with him .
9 Christopher Petrie and Jane lived for a year as neighbours : he in the manor and she in the stables-converted cottage , which she made much cosier and more inviting than the manor — one reason perhaps why Christopher spent so much time there .
10 That was the most personally evocative thing of all , Sabine thought , wincing , and she could understand why Hugh had always shied away from clearing out his wife 's things .
11 ‘ It would , of course , ’ Theda agreed , able even in the pain he had caused her to understand now why Benedict had never trusted his godmother .
12 There 's some great games there , but why Tetris scored so highly I 'll never know .
13 Kosi shivered , seemingly unable to understand why Ace giggled softly .
14 ‘ Going out by the gun-room window , ’ said Thomas , ‘ which master announced to all of them was faulty , and that was why Rover slept there . ’
15 Probably not in this essay as such , but in that area of Pound 's conversation of which this essay is a distillation , we find the reason — so I believe — why Yeats said admiringly of Landor in 1917 : ‘ He had in his Imaginary Conver - sations reminded us , as it were , that the Venus de Milo is a stone . ’
16 It explains why Stamford had so many churches , rather than the more common single church , as at Grantham and Newark .
17 The reasons why Dagenham performs so poorly are complex and partly historical .
18 But , I mean that 's why Victor came away was n't it ?
19 Presumably that is why Philip chose precisely that moment to raise again the spectre which was to haunt the Old King 's last years .
20 She wondered why Seb had never fallen for her .
21 Inside the ark were the tablets of the law — the supreme verbal statement of God 's holiness ( 26:16 ) ; at one and the same time the reason why God dwelt alone ( for none can match his holiness ) , and why by means of blood a sinner might enter his presence ( for the blood speaks of life laid down in payment for sin ) .
22 Disposal of waste is big business , and one of the reasons why Britain receives so much is our maintenance of low prices of disposal .
23 This is why Peter gets so steamed up with the sales people from the software houses .
24 I understood how and why Jean-Claude had so enthusiastically taken on this work .
25 Eastwards , Cliff Lane goes past the old school , the post office and a row of cottages to the cliff top , where it is demonstrated why Mappleton has recently achieved tremendous publicity as it is the next English village in danger of being swept into the North Sea .
26 That must be why Glasgow has so many museums .
27 Many more middle-class than working-class girls fell into this group , which was thought to explain why PMP seemed less important for them .
28 Keith can not figure out why Potter looks so funny .
29 If we ask why Gandhi lays so much stress on the relation between Truth and ahi s , we have to look again at his view of the Self .
30 This is Walter Savage Landor ; and this short article explains why Landor figures repeatedly , and always with respect , not just in The Cantos and in Pound 's later criticism , but in Yeats 's poetry and prose also .
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