Example sentences of "while [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It may be possible , while accepting the underlying general principle , to argue against its applicability to nuclear weapons : for instance , by saying that a nuclear bomb is not a chemical weapon as such , the poison gas being a mere incidental by-product ; or to go back to the fundamental prohibition of ‘ weapons that cause unnecessary suffering ’ and argue that the suffering caused by a nuclear weapon is not disproportionate to its military effectiveness .
2 In some countries the dairy producers have taken a comparable line , and manage to live profitably while accepting the growing evidence against high-fat diets in general and saturates in particular .
3 He had thus made the point , while accepting the royal candidate , that the power of confirmation ( which was increasingly insisted upon ) lay with the pope alone .
4 At the meeting Eduard Shevardnadze , the Soviet Foreign Minister , proposed the " decoupling " of the internal and external aspects of unification so that the former could be completed swiftly while allowing a unified Germany 's security status to be resolved over a number of years .
5 The Convention could examine key traded species , carry out the necessary scientific studies and create management plans which would ensure the protection of the species while allowing a profitable legal trade .
6 But the actual implementation of this Christian philosophy often fell far short of these standards , and throughout the modern era we can trace a second layer , summed up in the phrase ‘ the double standard ’ , which enjoined chastity on the female while allowing a large degree of sexual freedom for the male .
7 Above all , the notes need to be spot on while allowing the overall rhythm to flow smoothly .
8 Ceauşescu 's double-game of continuing to recognize Israel while courting the Arab states paid dividends in his relations with the Western democracies .
9 If the patient can get into the kneeling position and then balance on one knee while bringing the other leg forward , so that he can lever himself onto a chair , he will feel confident that he can always get up , even if he is alone at home .
10 One hopes they will escape the fate of the farmers who cried ‘ wolf ’ while eating the fatted calves of subsidy or it will be hard to gain credibility during real hardship .
11 You can also print documents in the background while editing a second document which saves you from waiting around while your printer catches up with your typing speed .
12 The karateka then pivots halfway round on the ball of the left foot , while rotating the entire body forward .
13 While disinfecting the soiled area is obviously to be recommended , you need to be careful in your choice of disinfectant .
14 TV was then considered ( in Europe and the USA ( to exercise a decisive political influence : de Gaulle emerged as the first French politician who both mastered the instrument , the RTF organization , while proving a charismatic performer .
15 It seemed to be the well-being of Tommy Wright , who was clearly kicked in the leg while gathering a loose ball ahead of Jason Wilcox .
16 A major company signed him up , and he had a series of top ten hits while building a serious reputation .
17 We are delighted and thrilled with the enthusiasm and ingenuity you have displayed while producing a grand total of over £2,500 .
18 While pursuing a short- term strategy that combined military campaigns against the FLN with political overtures to the Algerian masses , de Gaulle launched an ambitious long-term policy to make such an association possible .
19 And he should remember that the last person who talked to trees while pursuing a determined foreign policy was George III .
20 Our part in this ‘ controlling puritan attack ’ consisted of making the occasional arrest , while pursuing the unquantifiable social role which filled most of our time .
21 I understood that my mother was ambivalent about marriage , bitter about her own experience of it while seeing no possible alternative for me , and that this must make things difficult for her .
22 A pan had caught fire after he fell asleep while cooking a late-night snack .
23 A 30-year-old detective was recovering in hospital last night after being punched and kicked unconscious in Chiswick High Street , west London , while helping a uniformed officer to arrest a woman .
24 Balcha was a Gurage by origin ; as a boy he had been wounded and castrated in one of the many battles which Menelik had fought while subduing the southern tribes .
25 There is no central viewing point ; the canvases may be arranged in any number of combinations , creating new sequences and configurations , while suggesting the infinite possible readings within an image ; ‘ further disrupting the comfortable viewing space ’ .
26 Hugh MacDiarmid , who lived at Montrose , and edited the local newspaper while enjoying a fruitful period of his literary life , described Montrose as ‘ a very attractive small burgh with a wide agricultural hinterland ’ , and these fields now began to materialise .
27 As soon as the first insipid light filtered through the entrance , I was glad to make tepid tea and chewy porridge garnished with mouse droppings , while enjoying a limited success in coaxing Roger from his marginally more substantial pit .
28 Civic Forum and PAV , while enjoying a simple majority in the Federal Assembly , did not have the three-fifths majority required to pass constitutional amendments .
29 So , from any of these you can ‘ have a go ’ at windsurfing for the odd day or two while enjoying the good food and good company of the Houseparty .
30 Depth of shade is also important , since a number of species , while enjoying the limited sunlight filtered through trees with an open branch system , are unable to cope with the dense shade cast by evergreens .
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