Example sentences of "something in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Surely , with your background , something in the hotel line would have made more sense ? ’
2 A will have the statutory power of arrest it B was in fact attempting to steal something in the shed , or if A reasonably suspected him of being in the act of attempting to steal something in the shed .
3 A will have the statutory power of arrest it B was in fact attempting to steal something in the shed , or if A reasonably suspected him of being in the act of attempting to steal something in the shed .
4 A's defence on the latter ground would of course be assisted if there was something in the shed worth stealing .
5 Just as everyone 's forgetting about Myra Hindley , there 's something in the newspaper again about her .
6 Red lights bleed from behind wire mesh , ankle-height , like the burning eyes of something in the sewer out of a John Carpenter film .
7 Something in the system must have gone very wrong .
8 The only problem is that the first time you do it for each project if it 's a ne if it 's a an old project , then we are going to have to put something in the field which summarizes the total remit for the whole of the group to date .
9 " Yes , there 's something in the oyster story , but it 's hard to make out what .
10 It probably loses something in the translation from the original Latin .
11 Morse seemed to think you 'd found something in the safe which Matthew regarded as a negotiable asset . ’
12 ‘ I 'm interested in art and maybe I 'd like to do something in the art world .
13 ‘ I try to suggest , to an actor , something in the scene other than what appears to make it move on the surface . ’
14 Something in the distance , half-hidden among the trees , caught her eye .
15 Well why on earth , if you 're s , y'know , you embark on that route why do n't you put something in the budget for the fruits of that exercise and we believe that you can save money by that and that er this is going to be one of those budgets that 's gon na end up er under strength at the end of the day because of that .
16 So , if you have done something in the past which you now regret and would do differently were the situation to repeat itself , you should be pleased that you have learned something vital and that your spirit , having dealt with that negative aspect , will not have to encounter it again .
17 It was something in the past .
18 Hungary owes something in the order of twenty billion dollars in international debt .
19 UK airlines are not sponsoring pilots at the present time , but the school is attracting an increasing number of young people , both from this country and abroad , who are prepared to invest something in the order of £50,000 to train as professional pilots …
20 I think that its , its choice that 's something we have n't sort of looked at tonight , I think its the important er factor in a fact that we 've got an audience here with a large representative er percentage of er access to a car and certainly erm I working in the transport field in West Central Scotland , er that is not the case , in Glasgow where the car ownership is something in the order of seventy per cent of the population do not have access to a car or do not have access in a household , we , you are then talking , you have to look very , very seriously at what public transport must provide in order to meet just day , day to day activities and I think that this choice aspect is something that is absolutely vital as the lady in front says .
21 Could I also say that erm again going back to Strathclyde that there is a , a social , there is a subsidy for those services erm where there is a social need up to a certain point and that is governed by the finance available , but its not as though , this is just the commercial network , in fact , er I think its erm something in the order of ninety two per cent of services in Strathclyde are commercially operated and it is Strathclyde region that fills the gaps .
22 If you look through it , if my adding up is correct , it requires us to keep something in the order of sixteen separate files on one project .
23 We 're not talking of a conversion of ten to fifteen thousand dwellings with erm new building being reduced considerably , we are talking something in the order of magnitude of what has been happening in the past .
24 we argued there that erm scale of migration was not necessary to be contained within Leeds and Bradford , to promote regeneration because we 're s we 're now , we have now exhausted all our brown field sites to the extent that we 've had to take land out of our greenbelt , but there we were looking at something in the order of four thousand dwellings in three dris districts , spread over fifteen years , and we might reasonably assume that they 'd come forward in a dispersed manner on a site by site basis er and be relatively small scale , certainly we would be looking at the local plans which flow from this alteration to make sure that will be the case , now a new settlement 's a completely different animal , you would have to come forward quickly otherwise it would not be regarded as a success , it would it would need wide publicity , perhaps across the whole region , maybe even beyond , it would be a a major attraction to anybody thinking of moving house er from Leeds to a a location which would be accessible to them to retain their employment in Leeds , so I think we were talking about two different things entirely , more than that Mr Brighton 's su suggested that fifteen hundred would not be an adequate scale , it would have to be , I think two thousand five hundred was his figure , er Mr Timothy 's suggested th the same sort of thinking , and Mr Brook to , that the the settlement would have to get bigger , erm which only compounds our problem , any any settlement which grew larger and larger and inevitably would contain more employment as well as housing would become more of a threat to the regeneration of Leeds and , perhaps to a lesser extent Bradford , and it 's on
25 Even when doubled the Funds will take up only a quarter of the EC budget and will approximately amount to something in the order of 4 per cent of the total estimated aggregate gains from completing the SEM .
26 Now it was a rule and the custom at the time that any of the staff could impose a fine on the spot and in this circumstance Fagan imposed a fine of 10 " ackers " — that is 10 piastres , which I can not remember what the value was at the time , but let us say it was something in the order of 5 .
27 Next he interrogated the gunners and found that the average rounds used by them ( that came back ) was something in the order of 350 rounds per gun , and they carried and brought back several thousand rounds per gun .
28 In Harrogate District two opposing views have been expressed , Harrogate Civic Society seeking a reduction in the allocation by at least we think of er something in the order of ten hectares , David Lock and Associates expressing the view that at least a hundred , a hundred plus a hectares should be allocated .
29 Our estimate is that the city itself needs something in the order of five thousand jobs over the period of the structure plan to er really just to stay still , to run to run to stand still .
30 The only issue that I think we have some er difficulty with in the policy as it stands at the moment , is the uncertainty that arises between the figure provided in policy I five of forty six hectares for the city , and actually our agreed calculation which I think the County Council accept , that site availability in the city is limited to something in the order of thirty three hectares if we exclude er one site which is subject to a dispute between parties er in relation to the greenbelt .
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