Example sentences of "much of [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Working the stripes regularly in variations of two rows , alternating the colours ( picture 1 ) , gives you an easy way to estimate how much of each colour you will need .
2 ‘ Although we both live at home , we actually do n't see much of each other during the week .
3 The artists in the area seem to have seen much of each other .
4 We have n't seen much of each other while he 's been busy as England 's captain and I have served my South African Test ban .
5 Of course , we 've never seen all that much of each other … ’
6 We 've never seen much of each other , but we have each other 's number .
7 ‘ That 's the kind of bond you can never break , even if you do n't see much of each other . ’
8 ‘ We do n't seem to have seen much of each other since … since the snows , Carrie . ’
9 Such arrangements tend to be made at board or director level and are usually entered into when there is a financial link between the companies , such as companies within the same group of companies ( sometimes referred to as intergroup trading ) or between companies whose directors simply want to formalise an arrangement to purchase as much of each other 's products as possible .
10 And erm , we hardly got to see as much of each other , because we were like , in this group of ten people , and then , and so like one time we skied off piste , and we just had this massive snowball fight off piste , it was like really funny .
11 Apart from knowing facts such as " oranges contain vitamin C " and liver contains iron " , hardly anyone had a clue as to what actually constitutes a sound balanced diet or even how much of each nutrient is required each day for their body size , or anyone else 's body size for that matter .
12 By this means it is also possible to plan in advance approximately how much of each crop will be grown to meet your needs .
13 Much of each judgment was taken up with painstaking reviews of the historical and social context of the advertisement 's publication , with the syntactical features of the sentence and its relationship to the rest of the advertisement , and with the undeniable fact that indeed there was considerable ‘ evidence ’ about the matters at hand at the time of the advertisement 's publication .
14 In order to achieve this balance care must be taken in the selection of sources from which the corpus is created and how much of each source is used in the corpus .
15 MUCH of that part of the classification of the animal kingdom which is based on the study of homologous structures in living creatures may have to be reexamined if not demolished and rebuilt , following the publication of a letter in Nature from two distinguished comparative anatomists ( vol 302 , p 243 ) .
16 For much of that day , everything is put on hold — Nirvana 's soundcheck , interviews , the NME picture session , Teenage Fanclub 's soundcheck , everything — because Kurt is n't around , still holed up with the missus back at the hotel .
17 Because she had spent much of that day watching her mother supervise preparations for the traditional Gio ceremony observed by the family on each anniversary of her great-grandfather 's death , Lan knew the altar held all the favourite foods and beverages that the high-ranking courtier had enjoyed during his lifetime .
18 Miss Rose admitted she did n't remember much of that day , except for Celia 's long labour — which I did know about , but it slipped my mind — so it 's possible she 's forgotten other deliveries during the day , when there were other midwives on duty .
19 Much of that work was a strain on the eyes , peering through magnifying glasses and into microscopes .
20 The ambivalence about providing services for elderly people was reflected in the report of the Audit Commission ( 1985 ) which analysed dependency and service provision without specifically mentioning the field workers who will do much of that work .
21 Much of that work should be defended against its attempted marginalization by the Education Reform Act , the New Right and others .
22 It has for long been the task of the Secretary of State for the Home Department either in the exercise of the prerogative of mercy or more recently on a statutory basis to determine in the case of prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment , how much of that sentence should be served .
23 The growth of central authority and regional stability in later Saxon Sussex can be overestimated , and the last two centuries before the Conquest saw much of that order threatened repeatedly .
24 Now , the rundown state of much of that council housing is equally notorious .
25 Victorian culture , with its concentration on individual responsibility and the primacy of the family , had played the dominant role in shaping much of Nonconformity ; it was inevitable that in its turn Nonconformity should absorb much of that culture into its way of thinking .
26 Now , given that so much of that pruning has already been done and given that even given that situation we have never yet reached four percent contingent er turnover savings , I think it highly unlikely and so do the officers , that they will be achieved this year .
27 Soviet General Staff must ask himself how much of that GNP has any practical use .
28 Apparently you do n't need much of that green , Fiona .
29 Latest news is that development will not stop here , either , since WordStar has acquired Zsoft , and intends to incorporate much of that company 's technology into what must surely become its flagship product once more .
30 How much money has been received by way of those orders from the seventh directive of the European Community 's shipbuilding intervention fund , and how much of that money will be used to purchase from United Kingdom manufacturers the goods and services required for the vessels ?
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