Example sentences of "much as the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Unlike their warm-blooded cousins they are quiet and clean , they also tend not to scare the faint-hearted as much as the sight of a full QWERTY keyboard !
2 It was the implications of his presence as much as the sight of him that heated her skin and caused her heart to thunder as her mind leapt treacherously forward to the night that lay ahead of them .
3 km , will probably cost around $3000 , five times as much as the price for data From the scanner .
4 In my letter I mentioned the particular case of the Times Motoring correspondent who found that the return Brighton — Birmingham rail fare would cost him four times as much as the price of petrol for a car journey , despite driving a not especially economical car .
5 Willingness to help the unemployed varied locally as much as the incidence of unemployment itself .
6 It is not that such a fuel can not be produced , so much as the scale of production required .
7 Comfort met some rebuffs from people she had counted as her friends , who resented their allies ' safety from occupation almost as much as the damage they had inflicted on France as they pushed the Germans back after D-Day .
8 You have to understand as much as the driver about what is happening , and remember you 've no controls other than your body weight .
9 This is the prelude to disaster in which soil , crops , and ( particularly ) livestock can suffer as much as the farmer .
10 According to Motability , adaptations to enable severely handicapped people to travel by car in their wheelchairs often cost as much as the vehicle itself .
11 The general election of 1945 was in some ways only a consequential recognition of the revolution which took place under , and inside , the Coalition Government at the height of World War II , and was announced to the outside world by a cloud of White Papers — on planning , social insurance , employment , a national health service — much as the election of a new Pope is first evinced by the smoke from the burning ballot papers .
12 But Mr Waigel now fears the deficit as much as the recession that is widening it .
13 Headbutting was a proud part of punk and I 'm glad it 's returned to the scene : it usually hurts the butter as much as the buttee .
14 By this I do n't mean the need for physical help and practical advice so much as the longing for emotional reconciliation , a bonding with her . ’
15 The first time I bought a soft drink at a roadside stall and began cycling away , I roused a despairing cry : the bottle was worth almost as much as the fizz inside it .
16 Though I hope young Pamela would not be in danger from her master who owes all his servants protection as much as the king does to his subjects .
17 His yielding to the edicts of Number 10 on financial policy eventually enabled the main thrust of Thatcherite innovation to show itself here , even though it was often the moderation as much as the radicalism which was to impress observers .
18 While the magnificence of the result could justify the fact that The Red Shoes cost twice as much as The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp , there were many cases where the extravagance worked against the final result , and Michael Powell has recalled that he became ‘ impatient at the complacency of my associates about the mounting costs of our films . ’
19 At the same time , and as we have already seen , ‘ homophobia ’ is an inadequate term to describe all this since what is at issue is not personal phobia so much as the recurrence in mutated form of structures integral to cultural identity and social formation .
20 True to form , Orwell in his notes on Waugh disapprovingly named snobbery and Catholicism as the two driving forces of the novel , and as a secular radical he must have felt obliged to reprobate the one as much as the other .
21 Polgar 's approach to teaching is , he says , that ‘ the pleasure of the accomplishment must be several times as much as the experience of failure . ’
22 In this way , the original formulation contributes to the overall relevance just as much as the reformulation does .
23 Marc took a step forward as if about to restrain his younger brother by sheer force , but again Sarella stepped between them , hands outstretched , grasping Peter by the arm , though she was careful not to touch so much as the edge of Marc 's sleeve .
24 The drink 's as much as the drinker 's .
25 I mean it 's only fair it 's not we 're not talking about huge wages but for Gwynedd which is a low wage area they were reasonable and they worked for them too you know but but they were n't complaining about the money so much as the principle .
26 Your embrace is an expression of a need that unites you and her as much as the sex act itself .
27 In that process it is not the style as much as the consistency of those managers which is significant .
28 Once again the importance of style needs to be stressed , given that the poundage you lift does not matter as much as the way in which you lift it .
29 For the province will be affected by the next Labour government 's policies just as much as the rest of the UK .
30 The posters were fixed at night and the culprits were never caught — or , more likely , never looked for by a police force who enjoyed the joke as much as the rest of the city .
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