Example sentences of "part of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Roger suddenly launched into this discussion about how they 'd identified the need for someone to join the team with a view to becoming a main board member ; this person would effectively release him from a lot of the day-to-day public company responsibilities and the accounting , reporting and auditing areas , so that he could focus on being part of the entrepreneurial team , organising financing and liaising with the City .
2 In fact , a large part of the syntactic complexity of the sentence comes from the use of prepositional phrases .
3 % max. with zygomatic : the numbers of maxillae with part of the zygomatic process remaining compared with the total number of maxillae in the sample ( given in the appendix ) .
4 The restoration of musical priorities means that the Kyrie and the Gloria , which were key movements in settings of the Mass , have now returned to their former place simply as part of the Introductory Rite .
5 General warnings are usually given , but often as part of the introductory briefing given to holidaymakers on their arrival .
6 Such defences are clearly of urban-core type , designed to enclose a large part of the occupied area south of the river , including the official buildings .
7 The survey of 1,139 Israelis by the Jaffee Centre for Strategic Studies showed 60 per cent favoured trading part of the occupied territories for peace , up from about 40 per cent in 1987 , and 36 per cent of Israelis were ready to accept the establishment of an independent Palestinian state next to Israel , up from 20 per cent .
8 Whoever was on duty would move gently any part of the affected limb , trying as they did so to persuade Jimbo that now the pain was gone he might — I did not dare to say ‘ would ’ — be free soon to walk normally .
9 But why do those particular nerve endings count as part of the auditory system ?
10 THIS SEASON of violent contrasts started for me on TV-am where , as part of the Christmassy Victorianisation of After Nine , I sat on the sofa in bustle and bare bosom ( well , upper bosom anyway ) and suitably black-lace-becapped to be a Fin de Siecle ( nineteenth variety ) agony aunt .
11 There was an extensive export trade to Europe , North America and every part of the world-wide British empire , each country being catered for individually .
12 Bishop O'Brien made us feel that we were a very important part of the world-wide Church and he encouraged us for our future as adult members of the Catholic Church .
13 Compared with what was happening in contemporary marine invertebrates , the visible changes in mammalian skeletons during the early part of the Tertiary were fast and dramatic ; it did not take long before the roles of larger herbivores and carnivores were filled by mammalian animals .
14 Whilst the generation of numerically controlled tapes for production is usually separated off as being part of CAM , it is really the machine-readable part of the tertiary design phase .
15 The theory thus involves a long phase of stillstand with a sea level considerably lower than the present one in the latter part of the Tertiary period immediately prior to the Ice Age .
16 Recruitment of Compact students is part of the participating companies ' normal annual recruitment programmes .
17 Then there 's a cracking arcade adventure Hocus Focus , the concluding part of the epic adventure Black Knight , and a supersonic playable demo of Turbo The Tortoise .
18 The smith was invoking the part of the Elizabethan Poor Law which required the parish to assist the able-bodied to work .
19 This level corresponds to that part of the unconscious mind which functions when we are in a light sleep .
20 since they assume a significant degree of autonomy on the part of the specific communities within which power is exercised .
21 Birkbeck 's study of garbage pickers in Cali , Colombia , suggests that they should not be viewed as vagrants left behind by economic development but as workers who are part of the industrial system ( Birkbeck 1979 ) .
22 Robert Forbes was born Terence Lewthwaite in Salford , part of the industrial heartland of England , a sprawl of sour streets of back-to-back houses , cross-hatched with scummy canals and punctuated by decaying factories which fouled the atmosphere with their effluents .
23 Since association ( or multi-employer ) bargaining became a major part of the industrial relations systems of these countries the specific collective bargaining role of employers ' associations now requires more detailed analysis .
24 Most of the high-tech inward investment in Ireland is concentrated around Dublin and in Cork , and it seems to have been remiss on the part of the Industrial 7Development Agency that having enticed DEC to Galway , it was not able to turn the town into a centre of high-tech inward investment so that if DEC — or others — pulled out , there was every chance of attracting new ones .
25 A substantial part of the industrial land has been developed but the job yield has been far below initial expectations .
26 ( 1 ) It shall be the task of the all-German legislator ( i ) to recodify in a uniform manner and as soon as possible the law on employment contracts and the provisions on working hours under public law , including the admissibility of work on Sundays and public holidays , and the specific industrial safety regulations for women ; ( ii ) to bring public law on industrial safety into line with present-day requirements in accordance with the law of the European Communities and the concurrent part of the industrial safety law of the GDR .
27 Where there is sharp angulation of the CBD , the upper part of the stent should be 1 cm above or 1 cm below the angulation , but not at the point of angulation itself , to avoid impaction of the metallic mesh in the CBD wall and possibly further impaired drainage .
28 For a long time Bayonne was an English possession , having been part of the extensive territorial dowry of Eleanor of Aquitaine when she married into the Plantagenet family in the middle of the twelfth century .
29 This part of the communist system has to be maintained .
30 In contrast to the recent splits at CP congresses in Lithuania and Estonia , where majorities had favoured party independence [ see 37128-29 ; 37168 ; 37323 ] , a majority of the 792 Latvian CP congress delegates rejected a draft party programme hailed by the pro-independence lobby as the basis for achieving a consensus on the party 's future , and instead voted to remain an integral part of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union ( CPSU ) .
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