Example sentences of "never [verb] to [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 They depressed even him , though they comforted Dorothea Gilberd , who saw their value , and knew that Tom Tedder would never disappear to Chelsea , Arles , Florence or the South Seas .
2 I hope Josh never goes to Eton , or any other privileged school where he 's kept away from reality , ’ Clare said stiffly .
3 She spoke — more slowly than she had spoken before — and Fatima listened with a concentrated intensity that she never lent to Marie Claire 's requests and detailed instructions .
4 Never got to Chelsea barracks .
5 In Jamaica the people never referred to DQ ( as Don Quarrie is almost universally known ) as a black anything .
6 ( Old hands recall how Punch , on a day off from the Paris bureau in 1955 , saw a sports car plough into the crowd at Le Mans and kill 87 people ; no other reporter from the newspaper was there , yet it never occurred to Punch to call his office . )
7 It never occurred to Robbins that there was any need to describe the internal culture of higher education ; it was taken for granted that everyone knew what it was , or at least what it should be .
8 Yet it never occurred to John , as his mother aged , that she might be in need of any help , until a visitor from Johannesburg , who had known him as a boy , told him that she was hard up , after which lie made her an allowance .
9 It never occurred to Charles that Diana would find any of this odd or difficult to accept ; but her upbringing had been entirely different .
10 This last point never occurs to Honderich , who equates Conservatism with the new right .
11 Gatsby 's love is so much stronger that Clegg 's as he will do this for Daisy , whereas it never occurs to Clegg to make that sort of sacrifice for Miranda .
12 Hindley warned Heathcliff that he must never speak to Catherine again , or he would be sent away from Wuthering Heights , and it was decided that Catherine would be taught to behave like a young lady .
13 War allowed little time for reform ; the regenerating Constitution of Bayonne was never applied to Spain ; ambitious schemes for a new system of education , for a modern code based on the Code Napoléon came to nothing .
14 And , they claim , they would never refer to Buckingham Palace as ‘ the House ’ .
15 Another poem that I have dated in the typescript ‘ December , 1957 , Plaza de Anaya , Salamanca ’ , is one I was able to write for myself , and that I never showed to Dana .
16 This never happened to George Michael .
17 And Preston knew that William knew what the rest of them had known , or suspected , for some months : that he and his mother were never going to America and that the Master Sergeant was never coming back .
18 He would use her as his excuse for never going to America to work — a prospect which always frightened him . ’
19 It had never occurred to Howarth that the six senior staff sitting awkwardly around his table in the candlelight , unmellowed even by the wine , would see the whole occasion as an elaborate gastronomic charade designed to demonstrate his social and intellectual superiority .
20 You know as well as I do a child was never born to Miss Lavant .
21 At the ceremony Sharon vowed to double the Jewish population of the Heights ( currently some 12,400 ) to ensure that the territory never returned to Syria .
22 I trembled because I 'll never return to Rome , she thought , because when I leave tomorrow — and I will leave tomorrow — it will be forever .
23 ‘ In that case , my dear Roger , we learn French well and make friends with Monsieur Vauban because we can never return to England . ’
24 The payment made to Olaf Tryggvason in 994 , for example , seems to have been part of a deal in which Olaf agreed to be confirmed ( with Æthelred standing sponsor ) , and promised that he would never return to England .
25 Although while we are alive we can never return to Eden , we can benefit from the ever-flowing waters of Eden .
26 I will never return to Treasure Island , but in my worst dreams I still hear the sharp , high scream of Captain Flint the parrot : ‘ Pieces of eight !
27 Though Acca lived until 740 , he was never restored to Hexham and in 734 Ecgberht , bishop of York , consecrated Frithuberht to the still vacant see .
28 A bishopric was not re-created at Ripon ( perhaps because a papal privilege was now recognized as protecting the monastery there ) , but Wilfrid was never restored to York during Aldfrith 's reign .
29 ‘ I never go to Mass , ’ he answered curtly .
30 ‘ I never go to Bristol , ’ he wrote to John Thelwall .
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