Example sentences of "never [be] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 If development ceases , the pupils will not benefit as much as they should at a time in their education which will never be repeated and one which therefore could never be made up .
2 ‘ And that line must never be defiled or sullied . ’
3 In this chapter I shall give reasons for rejecting this approach , or if not for rejecting it then for supposing that the questions it raises can never be answered and so that it leads directly to scepticism .
4 It operated also with regard to lands and rights that had once been given to God or the saints : the gift could never be withdrawn or diminished without sin .
5 He now feels that he will never be liked or respected by anyone in this school again .
6 She would never be believed and he was discreet enough for all normal purposes .
7 Loans were handled as the National Debt rather than the royal debt and it became possible to raise long-term loans with the authority of Parliament behind them , and even to float loans on terms which meant that the principal would never be repaid but that , because the interest would be paid regularly forever , it would be possible to treat the bond for the debt as an asset which could be bought and sold .
8 Energy can never be destroyed and our energy imprints are preserved technically for all eternity , along with the imprints of other people who have been in close proximity .
9 She enjoyed hearing about the governess 's letters which would never be received and translations of East End rhyming slang , but did n't think he actually listened to her , he often asked her the same questions .
10 Moreover , if a pilot decides not to launch in a situation like this , he must never be overruled or criticised for playing it safe .
11 It was realised , of course , that this ideal could never be achieved or sustained in practice , as precise information on resource needs is not easy to obtain , therefore accurate costs can not be calculated .
12 It is quite possible that the extent of unmet legal need can never be ascertained and that which can be ascertained can not adequately be explained .
13 We would like to guarantee that our flights will never be delayed and in fact the vast majority of flights do depart on time .
14 The little trees in the hedges on each side of the path reached out to each other across it like the opposing factions at a wedding : the families of the bride and groom which will never be united but must maintain a truce , unnaturally bound by the exigent complicity of the couple .
15 So that it is a matter most essential to the liberties of this kingdom , that such members be delegated to this important trust , as are most eminent for their probity , their fortitude , and their knowledge ; for it was a known apophthegm of the great lord treasurer Burleigh , ‘ that England could never be ruined but by a Parliament ’ …
16 This brings a feeling of emptiness that can never be filled and leaves us with a hunger for more .
17 In this event , she should never be nagged or criticised .
18 So too wealth should be used as a means to good ends , but never be sought or enjoyed for its own sake .
19 ‘ If I have not lost my cunning , as you have not lost your judgment , it will never be used but to come to you with that which belongs to you .
20 What form other help took will never be known but there was certainly no need for two-way radios or car jacks .
21 When the mechanics of causality have been forsaken , identity can never be known or measured , it can only be postulated and experienced .
22 It is as if the war , crisis , living hell or chaotic backwater can never be known and will never end .
23 either committed suicide he took a throw himself off beside the boat hoping he 'd never be found or he erm was murdered cos you know , people do n't like him oh Reg came up with a good one , he said we possibly he wanted to disappear you see
24 It would never be over but Rose 's place in the house could never be attacked or threatened again .
25 And whereas a womb that has been occupied by a Future Buddha is like the shrine of a temple , and can never be occupied or used again , therefore it was that the mother of the Future Buddha died when he was seven days old , and was reborn in the Tusita heaven .
26 The SPS will probably never be attempted but its theoretical viability is suggested by the fact that NASA took three years and spent $16 million on assessing the concept .
27 Perhaps vision can never be recaptured or reconstituted .
28 I swore my pupils would never be restricted and repressed as I had been .
29 There was moreover a standing agreement that the equipment would never be concealed and that the fieldworker would wipe from the tape before leaving the house any material which subjects or fieldworkers considered sensitive .
30 Security in any situation can never be guaranteed but the security that farming provided was obviously appreciated .
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