Example sentences of "think he was [art] " in BNC.

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1 I think he was a bit scared to ask .
2 He began to put on airs and think he was a grown-up who could boss us around until Dad checked him for it .
3 ‘ I think he was a composer .
4 And but any anyway we got er , I 've probably tell you this before , the Co- op allowed everybody to have er credit until it was over and there was a n there was a a preacher wh who er and I do n't know whether a Baptist or a Wesleyan Preacher , I think he was a Wesleyan , he was a Welshman and his name was .
5 We were sitting there waiting to hear what the guy at the other end of the phone thought about it and he came back saying , It 's the worst thing anyone here has heard for a very long time — actually I think he was a little more abusive than that , but he went on — I do n't like it and I do n't know anyone else who would .
6 It was really good to see him in London last month ; I think he was a bit mystified by the church we went to , but it was good of him to come with me !
7 But then he wanted everything , and I think he was a little rough with my inner thigh .
8 I think he was a good-natured but very unintelligent boy .
9 I think he was a very turned-on guy and very much with God .
10 I think he was a bit apprehensive about that because he did n't know whether erm he was doing right by allowing us to be together in the
11 I think he was a bit nervous really he thought , Oh my gosh you know that these are one of the big pickets that happened erm what are the women going to plan next you know and he felt you know Tom 's you know felt a bit sort of out of control of it really I think he was very impressed with er .
12 We were sitting there waiting to hear what the guy at the other end of the phone thought about it and he came back saying , It 's the worst thing anyone here has heard for a very long time — actually I think he was a little more abusive than that , but he went on — I do n't like it and I do n't know anyone else who would .
13 I still think he was a good investment , BUT if he does n't get 20+ Premiership goals this year I 'll be disappointed ( unless he gets the winner in the FA cup final on bags a few vs Scum ! ! )
14 No , no , the present the present one was a I think he was a Chairman of a big building society before he came into the Post Office and they use these are on three year terms , but er the previous Post Office one er spent nine years as Chairman , spent three yea three terms of three years .
15 I think he was a judge in India .
16 It was funny , actually it was on that one , I think he was a little bit erm sexually-orientated more than average this gentleman , cos he 'd got the four poster bed .
17 That 's right and I believe , well I think he was the first goalkeeper to throw the ball out .
18 Yes , I picked the Froggy because I think he was the most important player who 's LEFT Leeds United .
19 Alfonso I think he was the guilty one really .
20 Well I ca n't I mean erm I think he was the kind of person he wanted to be as diverse as possible later on , I mean , perhaps he felt constrained
21 ‘ I remember one guy , ’ he says , ‘ I think he was an ex-Hell 's Angel .
22 I think he was an Aberdonian really the way he spoke anyway but he 'd been brought up in Blair Gowrie .
23 I think he was an amateur who either thought he 'd succeeded or else was so nervous about what he was doing that he left knowing there had n't been time to kill you . ’
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