Example sentences of "each [noun sg] make [art] " in BNC.

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1 Notice that each coin makes a slightly different sound .
2 The Foreign Ministers signed a document covering the withdrawal of Russian forces from Poland by Nov. 15 , and an agreement binding each side to make no claims for compensation over the stationing of Soviet troops in Poland .
3 The use of the ‘ half-peace ’ ( with each side making a major concession which left neither side fully satisfied ) and of the truce were proof of the failure of military pressure to force a final settlement of the war , one way or the other , through diplomatic negotiation .
4 It is designed to help each applicant to make an informed decision before applying for a particular programme of study .
5 Each Faculty makes a substantial contribution to the field of adult and continuing education , in which the University offers a range of part-time degree , diploma and postgraduate courses together with a comprehensive programme of short courses .
6 ‘ It shall be the duty of every director of a building society to satisfy himself that the arrangements made for assessing the adequacy of the security for any advance to be fully secured on land which is to be made by the society are such as may reasonably be expected to ensure that — ( a ) an assessment will be made on the occasion of each advance whether or not any previous assessment was made with a view to further advances or re-advances ; ( b ) each assessment will be made by a person holding office in or employed by the society who is competent to make the assessment and is not disqualified under this section from making it ; ( c ) each person making the assessment will have furnished to him a written report on the value of the land and any factors likely materially to affect its value made by a person who is competent to value , and is not disqualified under this section from making a report on , the land in question ; but the arrangements need not require each report to be made with a view to a particular assessment so long as it is adequate for the purpose of making the assessment .
7 Make two semi-circular cakes and place them on top of each other to make a football .
8 Spread the rest on to the biscuits , then pile the biscuits on top of each other to make a long roll .
9 Synthesis goes beyond mere assembly , for the parts may be integrated with each other to make a functioning whole .
10 But again , it is up to each manager to make the final decision , basing it on the best available advice .
11 Each man makes the sword which will kill him , and I made Jessamyn Bonney . ’
12 Each protozoon makes a biassed random walk about the screen .
13 For each bud make a shallow T-shaped cut in the stock so that the bark can be turned back .
14 Finally , each bus made a three-point turn in a cloud of dusty exhaust , and off we went ; 300km to Maun , on the very edge of the Okavango Swamps .
15 From about 1570 , and more intensively from about 1590 , a system of compounding was brought in , under which each county made an agreement with the Crown to levy a tax or composition to cover the difference between the royal price and the market price for the amount that the shire was required to supply .
16 This repulsive scene ( and play it up for all its worth ! ) requires that each adventure make a successful T test .
17 With the information to hand , each member makes a further assessment until , after the process has been repeated perhaps three times , some convergence of opinion may appear .
18 Shall be to promote a spirit of brotherhood among the Members , stir up a desire for self improvement , smooth and tone down the angularities so largely the product of isolated effort , encourage and stimulate individual endeavour , and in short do everything possible to assist each Member to make the most of his or her God-given talents .
19 If r is a known eigenvalue ( which we assume here to be unrepeated ) and unc the corresponding column and row eigenvectors respectively , then unc Since unc are each arbitrary to a scalar multiplier , we can in each vector make a suitable element unity ; then Equations ( 3 ) provide in each case n linear algebraic equations for the ( n — 1 ) unknown elements : one equation is superfluous , or can be used as a check .
20 Thus , the views of the inspectorate are under-represented , especially when one considers that , except for relatively informal verbal comments through the Senior English Inspector , the General Inspectors for each school make no input at all , while all five DCSLs make lengthy written recommendations which are reinforced by the chairmanship of the ACL:E&SS .
21 Take away a sheet of paper or fold one in half each time to make the game more difficult .
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