Example sentences of "each [noun sg] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 First year pruning will take each stem of a bush rose down to no more than 3–4 inches ( 8–10cm ) , cutting where possible to suitable outward-pointing buds .
2 This done , I set each processor to a different effect and balanced the quantity of each effect coming into the Quad-FX with the four trim pots .
3 Join the highest point of each strip with a chalk line to form a curve .
4 Spread and space each strip at an equal distance apart , lining up edge AB with the centre leading edge of the curtains .
5 But he warns that the ideas of civil association and enterprise association can not be understood as complementary characteristics ; they each stand for an independent , self-sustaining mode of association .
6 Raoult 's law is a useful starting point and defines an ideal solution as one in which the activity of each component in a mixture a i is equal to its mole fraction x i .
7 whether they 're correctly or incorrectly go through it , each each bit at a time , show me how you 're checking it .
8 each bit at a time .
9 A crystal grows , to be sure , but each part of a crystal is simply a repetition of every other part ; the same monotonous pattern of atoms , repeated over and over .
10 Not only do you have to complete lines of blocks , without leaving gaps but if you can make the numbers , which are displayed on each part of a block , add up to the target figure you get a bonus and a bomb .
11 This second point suggests that the interpretation of the two utterances is bound together in the sense that they are each part of a text which is , as a whole , consistent with the principle of relevance .
12 In classical technique , the calm spaciousness and perfection of each part of an enchaînement flows onwards in line as part of whole sentences in the choreographic design .
13 A new report claims that twelve people die each hour as a result of smoking , at a cost to hospitals of four hundred and thirty-seven million pounds .
14 The St Albans clock had two similar escapements , one to control the going-train and one to ring the bell each hour on a twenty-four-hour system with the number of strokes equal to the hour .
15 Also , the need to treat each instalment as a separate amount for ageing purposes means that a great deal of care will need to be given to the analysis of repayment mortgages .
16 Coat each hair with a fine translucent film which smooths down the rough surface & seals the hair to prevent moisture loss .
17 The placing of each housewife in a satisfaction category was done by the interviewer-researcher , on the basis of the overall interview response ; further details for the methodologically curious are given in Appendix I.
18 Whether or not Woolwich can claim to be awarded that interest depends on whether it had a cause of action to recover each payment as a debt due it on the date when it was made .
19 It is not much directly concerned with land improvements although as part of a complex system of supports , staff of the Volcans d'Auvergne Regional Park understood that support payments ( of 1,000FF/year for each cow to an unknown maximum ) were made to farmers in the Massif Central through FIDAR and SOMIVAL ( a regional development company ) .
20 If you can , end each take at an angle which excludes at least one of the parcel unwrappers from the frame .
21 Not a conventional time-piece , this clock has a second hand only , recording each segment of a minute with solid , definite clicks .
22 The molecule can now be placed on the lattice , segment by segment , bearing in mind the restrictions imposed , viz. the connectivity of the segments , which requires the placing of each segment in a cell adjoining the preceding one .
23 Thus each level of a hierarchy directs the action of those ‘ lower down ’ , ultimate authority resides with those at the ‘ top ’ , and at each level those involved carry out more narrowly defined tasks with less and less autonomy .
24 The diagram should be produced by writing each function on a card , the cards are then arranged to meet the criteria .
25 An instruction adds one to each field of a specified index register , and jumps to a specified address unless the loop count field has reached zero .
26 The client is required to rate their anxiety on the programme chart after each trial on a scale of 1–100 , where 1 is no anxiety and 100 is maximum anxiety .
27 This makes it easy to use each crayon as a fine , crisp ‘ tool ’ as well as a blunter one or rubbed on its side .
28 So to lighten our load and ensure that your answer is passed on quickly would you please put each response in a separate envelope with the name of the reader it is addressed to on the front .
29 if the sentences are too long to manage , first record the sentences phrase by phrase , i.e. : record the dialogue sentence by sentence with a pause long enough for you to mimic , then having LH repeat the sentence , i.e. : record the first phrase or word of each sentence with a pause long enough for you to produce the whole sentence ( i.e. with cue/prompt ) .
30 The processing stages for each reading of each sentence in a text were as follows .
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