Example sentences of "each [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 A proportionate tax distributes these burdens as a ratio of income : each taxpayer contributes the same proportion of income in tax .
2 Each division controls the operations of a fairly self-contained part of the organization 's activities ( for example , a particular product line , or a geographical area ) .
3 Fast components are a plus , but the most advanced servers feature an optimized hard disk sub-system , where each component complements the others .
4 We ‘ pull well together ’ ; and the whole secret of the enterprise is its variety , and that each part complements the other .
5 It was very painstaking , eye-straining work , with all the extra plotting and without the alleviation of trotting outside each hour to scan the horizon and study the sky .
6 The BBC , however , provided the tobacco industry with 364 hours of coverage in 1989 , including about three minutes each hour showing the brand logo and/or name on screen .
7 Following only a little chaos , much speedy uncoupling and in-ramping , and a very occasional one-sided angry conversation between ‘ Staff ’ and a couple of luckless young sappers , the aim was achieved , and shortly after the break of a glorious dawn , each rig ran the Union Flag up its mast in honour of a very rare occasion .
8 She was always busy with these pages , working out the correct day for planting date trees , for pollinating or foretelling the week when the pods would burst and the golden maidenhair would tumble out into the sun , each hair holding the promise of a cluster of dates .
9 The permanent secretary in each ministry became the accounting officer responsible to the Treasury for the expenditure of the money allocated to his ministry .
10 Kalpana Inc , the Sunnyvale , California pioneer of Ethernet switching , whereby an Ethernet is recast as a star network with a central switch , so that each user gets the full 10Mbps Ethernet bandwidth , reports that it received $9.1m in mezzanine financing .
11 When each captive reached the loading ramp leading to the back of the truck , it walked calmly aboard guided by its escorts .
12 ‘ We spoke at each Mass outlining the need for parish visiting teams .
13 An important feature of this study was the use of the daily prices of call options on the outstanding contracts for each index to calculate the implicit market estimates of the subsequent price volatility for each of the outstanding contracts .
14 Bear in mind the way each technique sets the body up in a different way .
15 Thus each level insulates the individual from the event .
16 The step can be set at three different levels and each level increases the intensity of the work-out by per cent .
17 Teamwork This has clearly improved as each function understands the problems faced by the others and they all work to break them down together .
18 Also the subject of discussion and refinement during the first term are the number of offers to be made for each field to reach the target ( the offer ratio ) and the A level grades normally required for entry .
19 At the same time it converts the colour coding frequencies from PAL to NTSC and combines 50 lines of each field to reduce the scanning pattern from 312.5 lines to 262.5 lines .
20 Look at the lists of sportsmen and women beside this voting form and from each category pick the person you believe has been the top performer in his or her sport over the past 12 months .
21 Giraffes feeding on acacia , startled by my presence , ran off leaving puffs of dust where each foot struck the ground .
22 In each case quoted the patient was either dying , in pain , had fallen out of bed , was bleeding or had suffered a heart attack . ’
23 Table 5.10 shows odds ratios for the receipt of three statutory services , for different types of household , after controlling for disability , in each case comparing the level of service received with that for elderly married people .
24 Hoffmann J. declared that in each case the beneficial interest in the property was owned by the bankrupt and his wife in equal shares and he made orders for possession and sale but , after considering the circumstances of the two wives and their children and , in particular , that the half shares to which they would be entitled would be insufficient for them to acquire other accommodation in the area and the educational problems of the children , imposed a provision for postponement until the youngest child in each case attained the age of sixteen .
25 List the different ways in which a planet can acquire and lose its volatiles , and in each case indicate the degree of outgassing required to concentrate the volatiles at or near the surface .
26 The second definition in each case emphasises the training and professional nature of counselling .
27 A plus in the managerial labour market row in table 3.1 is no longer sufficient , but nor is it necessarily true that the more pluses the better ; each constraint pushes the manager in a particular way .
28 In his discussion of two lyric poems Keith Green suggests that the deictic expressions occurring in each text guide the reader in the construction of a context where their symbolic meanings can be realised indexically , i.e. where they perform a referential function .
29 Its structure is like that of Paley 's works : the argument is cumulative , but it is not a chain in which each link supports the next , as in geometry ; rather , the various arguments are independent , and support each other like the fibres in a rope .
30 The vertical bars above each base represent the percentage efficiency of binding when that base was mutated to the one shown in smaller type below ( compared to binding efficiency to the wild type probe ) .
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