Example sentences of "us at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was cooler and grey , and a brisk sou'wester spiked with a salty drizzle met us at the crag .
2 I went calmly enough , but there must have been a suspicion of the trepidation that inevitably invests us at the sight of a hospital and the thought of entering it .
3 My husband had come to collect us at the airport and we came back here in a minicar .
4 My Dad met us at the airport and , of course , the first thing that I wanted to do was to see my younger brother Russell .
5 There should be a car waitin' fur us at the airport when we get in to Lima .
6 He was waitin' fur us at the airport , a mean-faced little mestizo dressed in a pale blue suit .
7 And if so , why had he paid those two to watch for us at the airport ?
8 My wife was flying from Tel-Aviv to London and who should be in front of us at the airport
9 be doing , us at the management team here , is saying , look , we know we 're gon na have trou we want to please the client .
10 Gordon Pill , the farmer , met us at the bottom of the hill .
11 Late in the morning Valeria suggested we should all go down and have breakfast , and as we came down the staircase we saw to our horror that her mother was waiting for us at the bottom .
12 My mother would hide his food from us at the bottom of one of the holes in the oven .
13 This is not a book about the experience of watching them , a collection of weird scenes inside the cinema : ‘ We were chewing the fat , telling stories about peculiar things that had happened to us at the cinema , trying to top each other .
14 I 've asked Robins to collect her gear and she 'll meet us at the scene .
15 Thank you all very much indeed and thank you particularly for making an effort to come and join us at the A G M , apart from the fact that it would be tedious in the extreme to look at an empty room , I do understand
16 Melford and a group of bowmen greeted us at the gate .
17 We are all of us at the mercy of our adrenaline , and there is a very fine dividing line between being justifiably keyed up and ready to do your best and being rendered helpless by panic .
18 There was a crowd of us at the dancing in Panama Jax , a disco just down by the Clyde .
19 If you can help us , in whatever way , please contact us at the address overleaf .
20 If you require more information regarding functions , accommodation or booking please contact us at the address below .
21 Please quote this on the booking form and return it to us at the address shown , together with a deposit of £25 per person and optional insurance of £6 .
22 To join the club simply send your name and address to us at the address below .
23 Anyone interested in learning more about this scheme should contact us at the address below , or on .
24 then return it to us at the address below .
25 And Taylor said : ‘ At last , our young players now have the facilities to put us at the top of the world game . ’
26 It was like climbing a waterfall , but there was a warder at the top , clinging to a railing and yelling to us at the top of his voice to hurry — as if we needed such encouragement .
27 While he was away she never stopped reminding us at the top of her voice that she was n't a five by two .
28 As he began to speak a young boy ran straight through a plate glass window behind us at the back of the church .
29 ‘ He came through a 90 minute practice match behind closed doors in midweek and will help us at the back .
30 I 'd like to present on behalf of Colonel centre , a plaque from all of us at the Three-Ninetieth at D M Museum .
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