Example sentences of "us [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately and inexplicably , he breaks off in mid-sentence ( about finance ) on 18 December , leaving us uninformed on the major discussions leading to the abrupt dissolution on 22 January 1655 .
2 Now , said Ray , the work has ‘ helped us narrow down the source rock to one or two possibilities , and it has indicated to us that the source rock does not vary across the region . ’
3 Step one saw the arrival of a regulation urn of ashes , sent to us direct by the patient 's family , who would also notify the Condolence-Letter Department in Berlin , with whom we worked in parallel .
4 It is what makes us different from the commercial banks .
5 I only ran it to get us clear of the bay and to charge the batteries . ’
6 Well the proposals that are made in the in the Committees er report for funding erm seem to us acceptable with the exception of the comment we have already made erm i acceptable in the sense that they would be borne by erm all pension funds in proportion to their the size of their assets and in relation to the size of the er compensation has to be paid .
7 This pattern of results is enough to make us doubtful about the interpretation of latent inhibition offered by Lubow et al .
8 ‘ Knowledge shows us high above the mutable transactions of the soul with the mortality of nature our highest Self as the supreme Lord of all her actions , one and equal in all objects and creatures , not born in the taking up of the body , not subject to death in the perishing of all those bodies .
9 The kind of society we live in — broadly the industrial capitalism which is being embraced by more and more of the world — is making us prone to the alienation and isolation on which madness feeds .
10 It is very near to all of us , she thought , we are none of us free from the threat .
11 Christ entered into humanity to defeat the Dark Power that oppressed us and to set us free from the corruption within .
12 The sun on our backs and bright crystals biting into our feet , the printed pain of a sharp finger edge cutting across the joyful soft warmth of the wind ; the loving immediacy of experience which hurls us free from the containment of assessment , order and code .
13 Our barrack room was warm and we had a stove in the middle which kept us warm in the night .
14 Our sinful condition can also make us uncomfortable in the presence of God 's moral perfection .
15 We are pulled this way and that , but the effect of these contradictory pulls is to leave us fixed in the middle .
16 In fact the definition has come down to us unchanged from the Agriculture Act 1947 , and includes all land used for , among other things , dairy farming , livestock breeding and keeping , grazing or meadows .
17 The 1940s and war made seditious literature a vital concern ; the 1950s and anti-communism made left-wing literature seem so threatening ; the 1960s and permissiveness eventually caused us to think we could go too far with ‘ indecent ’ and ‘ obscene ’ books ; and the 1970s and 1980s and the move towards a more multicultural society and the assertiveness of nationality made us conscious of the damage of racist and religiously intolerant literature .
18 However , if the dividend is to be effectively delivered , it can not leave us vulnerable to the many other surprises hiding around the corner .
19 Why not view that skinhead ideology from a new perspective , for I think it brings us closer to understanding what motivates their hate instead of pumping us full of the old clichés about how inhuman they are …
20 ‘ They say things they think will keep us happy until the next tragedy , ’ he told a news conference .
21 That you 'll look after and keep us safe until the end of the day .
22 THE Coleraine club and local competitors again did us proud at the European Championship meeting at Kirkistown .
23 ‘ But the President of the World can have left none of us unmoved by the depth of his feeling .
24 The analytical approach is useful to us because it makes us familiar with the parts and the way they work together .
25 Rita Quick brought us up-to-date on the Training Course , which has just begun the autumn term with a new intake .
26 But blanket condemnation , or the overall linking of good things like the environment and animal welfare , does lay us open to the charge of thinking in a way that is , at best , wishful and , at worst , woolly .
27 Keep us amused in the winter months , er it 's er gone quiet .
28 There are three of us new to the side .
29 One day we may hope that the spade and exploration under water will advance our knowledge much further and bring us close to the expanding merchant fleets of the eleventh and twelfth centuries .
30 These cups have little colour , but the subtle strength of the drawing , in spite of its miniature scale , surely brings us close to the great painting of the time .
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