Example sentences of "us [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The more video recordings we collected , the more we talked to hearing professionals , the greater appeared the gulf between what hearing people told us about deaf signing and what deaf people were actually doing .
2 What is all this telling us about real evolution ?
3 Surprise ( in the sense studied in Baillargeon 's experiment — passive capture of visual attention ) is not an action so it can not tell us about central system function .
4 It can be argued that Reich 's work has much to tell us about contemporary politics .
5 Carol is not , of course , a ‘ typical ’ child , nor is Dorothy a ‘ typical ’ mother , but the book has much to tell us about one child 's perception of books and their contents .
6 Quantitative work by people like McPherson , Wennberg , and so on can tell us about that variation .
7 and then we started speaking to this chap and say we were looking for this place where the erm , they sell all this food and so on , what 's the name of the place , he said oh he says it 's finished , so he said you know where the er , we said er where 's somewhere good you know to , to go and have a nice sleep , and he told us about that place up the mountain where we went , where we all went the last time
8 While the Secretary of State has tried to assure the House about the problems and implications of recognition of Croatia , will he try once more to reassure us about that recognition ?
9 What do these tests tell us about mental performance ?
10 His main focus is what this dispersal tells us about human variation and evolution .
11 Le corbeau tells us about human nature , not national character .
12 Derek was telling us about some roustabout 's wife who will flit back in with her mother every fortnight .
13 Yes , erm I think that puts us about half way now .
14 They keep telling us about this poll tax , they 've got to cut the staff and then they decide that they 're going to give this man this money .
15 Pat was having an affair — and in a crowded restaurant , he asked her at the top of the sentorian Williams voice : ‘ Well tell us about this man you 're having the affair with then . ’
16 He messed us about this weekend did n't he ?
17 In my knowledge he has never spoken to us about this business .
18 Now if the fox enters a hole but the hole that he enters is the head so what does that tell us about this fox ?
19 When she told us about this visit , she hoped it would be centred around a seminar , funded by the Romanian government , at which tutors would be trained to teach machine knitting to young people whose chances of employment near their own homes were otherwise remote .
20 He went on : ‘ BR have not talked to us about limiting overtime , but it says a lot about the industry when limiting shifts to 12 hours a day is considered progress . ’
21 ‘ And what 's all this codswallop you 've been feeding us about Old Red 's being foul to nurses ?
22 Turning north took us between Godrevy Point and Godrevy Island .
23 ‘ Around 80 Subject Assessors visited us during that fortnight , and every module was looked at .
24 ‘ But he came to us through normal casting , ’ said Rogers .
25 ‘ We invited him to appear and talk us through some film of him as a boy , and he did n't know she was going to be there .
26 As for the Chancellor himself , Mr Parkinson said : ‘ I think he has both the backbone and the brains and the determination to see us through this difficulty . ’
27 Bryan 's aim was to wean us off complete reliance on precise diagnostic features , and to get us to concentrate on the ‘ Personality ’ of each species ; on the way it holds itself , feeds , moves , calls ; its general behaviour and first glance appearance — ‘ jizz ’ for short .
28 I 'm getting us off this planet as fast as I can . ’
29 In a typically British way , we have failed to take the credit that is due to us for that achievement , which had its origins in the Kangaroo group of Members of the European Parliament founded by the late Basil de Ferranti specifically to break down the trade barriers that existed in Europe at a time when none of the other major Community partners wanted to know anything about it .
30 ‘ The full weight of the Children 's Department came down on us for that scene and , in retrospect , I realised I had made a mistake letting that go through .
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