Example sentences of "us with [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With long-term injury victims Graham Hill and Ian Brady only recently back in full training , and not ready for a competitive return , Carroll admits : ‘ The situation does not leave us with many options . ’
2 The voyage of the good ship ‘ Ceilidh ’ in September provided us with many lessons in seamanship and Christian living .
3 May God , the source of hope , fill us with all joy and peace ( and we add righteousness ) by means of our faith in him , so that our hope will continue to grow by the power of the Holy Spirit .
4 They , they 're sort of like a probation officer , social worker , that sort of thing , erm most people come to us with all sorts of problems not just not particularly housing problems .
5 ‘ If you can oblige us with that bit of information you can turn the donkey loose and we 'll find it on the road for the man who reported it lost .
6 And having spoken to her on Saturday when she came along to the energy conservation stall I intend to invite her if it 's alright with the meeting to our next meeting which is on the ninth of February to discuss how the Greens can help how the University Greens can help us with that demonstration .
7 Your articles on women and workers make fascinating reading but provide us with little hope that a movement for change is likely to come from these quarters .
8 Our hosts regaled us with much history about Prince Georgivhili and other obscure rulers of the Middle Ages .
9 The apes provide us with much information concerning possible roots of sociable behaviour in man .
10 This is the case for the English king 's financial archives which provide us with much information on the sums collected , how they were spent , and the organisation which lay behind that expenditure .
11 The sight of a fearsome bully , intent on picking a fight , may fill us with such terror when our imagination starts working that we have lost the battle before it has even begun .
12 Modernity understood as the modern world in crisis has now hit us with such force that writers of many different political persuasions are addressing the issue ( cf.
13 He was a nice chap called Roland who entertained us with such finesse on his flute and oboe .
14 ( 2 ) You can provide us with such sums from your own resources on account of costs , to defray the expenses , as and when they occur .
15 We can not answer that question with certainty , but the details of the story itself would seem to provide us with several clues .
16 A couple of years of university so familiarises us with this idea that literature dissolves entirely into the drudgery of reading and writing crit .
17 I am grateful , as is the House , to my hon. Friend the Member for Croydon , North-West ( Mr. Malins ) for providing us with this opportunity to consider education for adults in Croydon .
18 Please collect your sponsor money and send it back to us WITH THIS SPONSOR FORM , to Greenpeace , Whale Walks Department .
19 Doug Wimbish started playing harmonics on that funny Guild bass ( the rubber-stringed Ashbory model — Ed ) and I got down to a really quiet moment , and suddenly Phil just surprised the hell out of us with this keyboard patch !
20 If we were naughty or disobedient the nursemaid would threaten us with this man who , she said , hid at night in the high bushes by the gate , and would know what we had done and come and get us .
21 Please help us to give by providing us with this work .
22 Joe Harris , chairman Darlington Licensed Victualler 's Association : ‘ The Chancellor has done nothing for us with this Budget , times are hard enough for publicans .
23 It is difficult and must remain that way because history has left us with this difficulty .
24 Not but what ‘ t is trouble enough that they must needs be gone , leaving us with this madman on the other side of the moat .
25 This year we are asking a selected sample of readers to help us with this process .
26 John Betjeman leaves us with this vignette :
27 A Tyneside girl disliked going for dinners to her grandmother because ‘ she used to threaten us with this monkey stick , hung behind the door . ’
28 ‘ Saddled us with another kid and raced off without any plan . ’
29 Substituting ( 7.8 ) in ( 7.7 ) provides us with another version of the PPP theory : .
30 ‘ While engaged in watching the movements of the several species of the great family of Procellaridae , which at one time often and often surrounded the ships that conveyed me round the world , a bright speck would appear on the distant horizon , and , gradually approaching nearer and nearer , at length assumed the form of the White-headed petrel , whose wing-powers far exceed those of any of its congeners ; at one moment it would be rising high in the air , at the next sweeping comet-like through the flocks flying around ; never , however , approaching the ship sufficiently near for a successful shot , and it was equally wary in avoiding the boat with which I was frequently favoured for the purpose of securing examples of other species ; but , to make use of a familiar adage , the most knowing are taken in at last ’ ’ ; one beautiful morning , the 20th of Feb. 1839 , during my passage from Hobart Town to Sydney , when the sea was perfectly calm and of a glassy smoothness , this wanderer of the ocean came in sight and approached within three hundred yards of the vessel ; anxious to attract him still closer , so as to bring him within range , I thought of the following stratagem : — a corked bottle , attached to a long line , was thrown overboard and allowed to drift to the distance of forty or fifty yards , and kept there until the bird favoured us with another visit , while flying around in immense circles ; at length his keen eye caught sight of the neck of the bottle ( to which a bobbing motion was communicated by sudden jerks of the string ) , and he at once proceeded to examine more closely what it was that had arrested his attention ; during this momentary pause the trigger was pulled , the boat lowered , and the bird was soon in my possession . ’
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