Example sentences of "us [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 joined us on to assist in the office .
2 joined us on to assist in the laboratory , ( she likes to be called ! ) .
3 Let us rather glance at two of what are presented as solutions to the problem , the metalinguistic and the possible-worlds proposals .
4 Recruitment gave us little cause for anxiety so long as the general level of recruitment remained high ( Our intake regularly comprised , in a College that offered a total of 14 academic courses , some 12% of the total numbers , 7% in English and 5% in French ) .
5 What makes it even more sweet is the fact that they crapped on about us only getting to the 2nd round last year and how they were going to get to the final .
6 Most of us only share for financial reasons .
7 Space allows us only to look at some of the most significant of these developments here .
8 However , the feminist critique should not encourage us only to look at girls .
9 If Liz and Owen had n't had that accident , which brought us together to look after the twins , we might never have found each other again ! ’ she cried , feeling almost faint as she fell back on the pillows , hardly able to bear the thought of how narrowly they had averted a lifetime of unhappiness .
10 Very few of us naturally look like our dogs so a little augmentation might be called for .
11 But it was the scabs er that well they put us down to start with , and then the was picket line started cracking up was the these lads not prepared to do it .
12 Well I was working in the quarry , and er it 's last March turned round and said he wanted a new implemented with a new miracle saw that he had bought and he did n't really give us much warning about what he was gon na do but all he said was that er he was gon na scrap our old bonus contract and implement a new one no matter what , and from various figures that were bandied about we all realized we were gon na back quite a lot worse off because of it .
13 Tragically , I have to wish that that was the case because today 's figures do not give us much ground for comfort , but , as long as the Minister continues his present style of trying to hype up and to trivialise every issue , that is what will happen to our agriculture .
14 As rhetoric enfolds a group or initiative , so fibres of meaning interpenetrate every strand of sound , ensuring that the experience reaches us already placed in a general scheme of significance , validated and rendered ripe for the ICA We are constantly made conscious .
15 The words we use come to us already imprinted with meanings , intentions and accents of others , and any utterance we make is directed towards some real or hypothetical Other . ’
16 The words we use come to us already imprinted with the meanings , intentions and accents of others , our speech is a tissue of citations and echoes and allusions ; and every utterance we make is directed towards some real or hypothetical Other who will receive it .
17 The rest of us just dabble in it .
18 Before considering how we might do the job mathematically , let us just draw in a line by eye , to go through the centre of the data points .
19 It 's something most of us just dream about .
20 Some of us found enough to interest us just sitting in front of the Upland Goose Hotel watching the birds in the harbour .
21 Let us finally return to that letter written to Peter Tatchell in 1983 .
22 There were twelve of us finally assembled at Clumber , including Carole and Debby , the assistant leader , and everyone was young , sparky and outgoing .
23 ‘ Is it because there are no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness ?
24 erm fucking indoor murder ball , the seat , cushion and stuff like that , its fucking well out of order piss up games oh that 's right I think we played in , I think we played , you know that British bull dog thing ? , we managed to clear all the fucking the nappy chair this and the chairs out the way , we were playing this British bull dog sort of thing and the only thing , the only , the only difference was when you got caught , got , everybody was fucking giving you a few thumps in the arm , for good measure like , and we played about four of this and every time this cocky little son of a bitch did n't get caught , he was always the last person , so we fucking said , we said , me and this other guy 's that are in our troop and that er , we said right we 'll get him , so when , when everybody sort of go for it right just after the one person in the middle , said fucking just get this guy and fucking pin him down and do something to him right , we did n't , I think we said we 'd just get him , yeah that 's a good idea , so he 's gone right go and his mate he 's fucking took off two steps and there 's eight of us fucking dived on top of him , what the fucking , he 's struggling , get off you cunt so we pinned him down and at first we was just going to de-bag him in front of the women , we 've taken his boots off and his trousers and that and shave his bollocks , yeah the whole fucking yeah , it was like an audience , all that they sort of gathered up the chairs and the tables fuck have his bollocks shaved .
25 God promises his people comfort and invites us not to live in sorrow .
26 Modern historians warn us not to rely on the old text-book accounts of the causes of the Reformation , pointing out that the reality was far more complex than these suggest .
27 In fact , she was offered a better deal ( let us not go into too many historic technicalities ) in Oxford , but she chose Cambridge because of Flora Piercy 's eye-shadow , and because of Dr Leavis .
28 Daddy erm you know GrandPat told us not to go on our backs shutes .
29 And to think , he wrote , that with all my previous work I barely knew what step to take first , let alone what step to take second , let us not talk about the third .
30 Dear children , let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth . ’
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