Example sentences of "government at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 It was a victory for Mrs Thatcher — though a debatable one since it largely snuffed out the power of British local government at a time when many other European countries were trying to decentralize and devolve .
2 As a result of the no-confidence vote , Poland faces four months with a lame-duck government at a time when hard decisions about privatisation , tax and banking reforms have been left untaken .
3 The legislature 's vote was an embarrassment for Mr Kravchuk , but it has left Ukraine with a paralysed government at a time when the country must react swiftly if it is to survive increased prices for Russian fuel .
4 Since the question is now whether a government exists , there is no room for more than one government at a time nor for separate de jure and de facto governments in respect of the same state .
5 Superficially the story might appear a simple one of challenge and response : aerial bombardment and the need to redevelop provided a situation in which Government at a time of emergency understandably took the initiative .
6 The general election of 1992 also had to be called by a Conservative government at a time of unfavourable economic circumstances because of the approaching legal time-limit before which an election had to be called .
7 The Dobry inquiry was instigated by a Conservative government at a time when the property market was booming .
8 ‘ If the money is provided it surely indicates the priorities of Government at a time of supposed financial restraint , ’ he said .
9 ‘ If the money is provided it surely indicates the priorities of Government at a time of supposed financial restraint , ’ he said .
10 When asked if they would like subventions from the state to aid their stipends and church buildings , a move which was being seriously considered by the British government at the time , priests and bishops were united in rejecting the idea on the grounds that it would drive a wedge between clergy and people , identifying clergy with the principal enemies of the people .
11 For four hours they chanted ‘ Down with ( Yefrem ) Sokolov ’ — the republic 's party chief — and cheered calls for the prosecution of those running the republic 's government at the time of the disaster .
12 But this recommendation , accepted by the Government at the time , was later rejected by the Government in 1974 .
13 Turnbull 's calls were of great interest to the government at the time any calls to him from Britain would be separated from the surrounding chaff and monitored .
14 Censorship reflects the social concerns and even fears of society and government at the time .
15 The attitude of the government at the time was encapsulated by Anthony Crosland , president of the Board of Trade , when he stated Jones and Marriot , 1970 , 1 ; cf.
16 The Building Societies Association assured the Government at the time that , when the rule was introduced , there would be no reason to expect people to lose their homes as a result and they have not done so .
17 In view of the evidence given yesterday should there not be a full and frank ministerial statement — which should come from the Prime Minister — of what was known inside the Government at the time about the supergun affair ?
18 On June 27 , 1990 , after six months of further investigations , Sir Leon Brittan , the EC Commissioner responsible for competition policy ( and former UK Trade and Industry Secretary ) , ordered the repayment of £44,400,000 in illegal " sweeteners " granted by the UK government at the time of the sale in July 1988 .
19 Thus the London weavers , an economically depressed group , but one which nevertheless contained a high preponderance of Nonconformists , rallied behind the Whig government at the time of the Sacheverell affair and helped the trained bands suppress High Church crowds in the City .
20 on that point er would the er minister indicate whether or not the British government supports the attitude of the French government because of course the British government at the time of the Edinburgh summit were wholly in favour of the agreement to require the European parliament to meet both in Brussels and in Strasbourg and therefore I assume that there 's an identity of interest between the British government and the French government on this question since the French government are maintaining their er opposition to the er six extra seats simply because they want to see a new parliament building constructed in Strasbourg , is that a position that the British government supports ?
21 Well , the legislation in Britain , the first law which is the law from which our present wages councils for people like hairdressers came from erm was passed in nineteen oh nine , and it was because we had a reforming Liberal Government at the time .
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