Example sentences of "same [noun] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 ( 2 ) Not more than four occasional permissions may be granted by a licensing board in any one year on behalf of the same voluntary organisation or the same branch of a voluntary organisation .
2 In terms of access to modules , the user hierarchy should be made to reflect the project or organisational structure in operation , since only members of the same branch of a family automatically have access to each other 's software .
3 Thus a learner may achieve a high accuracy profile in one context , which might suggest acquisition of certain forms , but perform badly on the same forms in a different context .
4 Wishing for ‘ much the same unity on a higher plane ’ , he presents himself as a kind of agriculturalist , concerned with ‘ our relation to the spiritual soil ’ .
5 In this way , the polyps synchronise the release of their sexual cells so precisely that the event occurs at the same hour on a particular night each year , turning the sea into a multi-coloured reproductive soup .
6 As soon as I realised I told him it must stop , but the next thing I knew he was spouting the same fiction to a reporter . ’
7 I related the same story to a gentleman in this department , and he was unable to be of help — especially when I suggested to him that his department should not approve equipment that was unable to receive satisfactorily most of the NDBs in the UK .
8 BSL therefore provides a great deal of aspectual information directly for the receiver , while English sets out the same story in a different way , allowing alteration of event structure without destroying meaning .
9 If a household purchases a typewriter for personal use , it is classified in the National Accounts as ‘ consumption ’ , yet the same purchase by a firm is classified as ‘ investment ’ , even though in both cases the capital asset yields a stream of useful services throughout its life .
10 In figure 9.14 , negative perceptions about the performance of the economy in the previous twelve months and pessimism about the economy in the following twelve months are plotted on the same scales over a six year period .
11 If the employer pays the salary but refuses the services of the worker and this refusal offends his/her personality ( e.g. , lowers his/her reputation amongst fellow workers , prevents his/her professional development etc. ) , the worker can claim that the employer be condemned to pay him/her compensation and/or to really employ him/her ; in the second case , the employer will also be condemned by the same judgement to a pecuniary sanction and to detention in case he does not employ the worker .
12 Band cramps may do , but will not , in my experience , give quite the same pull to a joint .
13 To find it , use Lambda and 12 Aquilæ and Eta Scuti ( 5.0 ) as guides ; M11 is in the same field with a magnification of × 12 or less .
14 All categories will compete in the same field over a course which includes two water splashes .
15 Since the 1978 UN Conference on Health at Alma Ata it has become a universal wisdom that it is much more effective to build a primary health care network than to spend the same money on a few prestige hospitals which could only ever be used by an urban elite .
16 With press media , it is possible to spread the same money over a much longer period , especially if monthly magazines are used , since monthlies accumulate their readership of as many as 10 or 11 readers per copy over quite a long period .
17 Put into operational terms this means that , at some point , there are likely to be cells that respond in one way to one wavelength at one point in the receptive field and differently to the same wavelength in a different part of the field .
18 Trivers argues that the chances of selection favouring altruistic behaviour in which individuals dispense a benefit to another greater than the cost of the act will be improved when many potentially altruistic situations arise in the population , when there are repetitive interactions of the same kind within a small group of individuals , and where symmetrical situations favouring the return of benefits are common .
19 In order to observe a primordial black hole one would have to detect several gamma ray quanta coming from the same direction within a reasonable space of time , such as a week .
20 The irony is that you can create the same look for a tenner down the market .
21 I saw the same look on a fellow who died
22 In our example , estimating the average height of adult males in the British population , would require a sampling fraction of about 1/4,000 , whereas to estimate the same parameter in a population of 200 , a sampling fraction of ¼ , or a sample size of 50 , would be necessary .
23 Rye grass is coarse and flat-leaved , and fulfils the same function in a sward as petrol-like grain spirit in cheap Scotch whisky .
24 Charging principal repayments in lieu of depreciation does not perform the same function in a local authority .
25 The State of the World 1989 put the same case in a different form :
26 Paragraph 5 of the rule was directed not only at enforcement of a judgment in favour of a claimant who had obtained judgment in his favour but also at preventing , by means of the principle of res judicata , relitigation of the same case by a person who was properly represented by a claimant against whom judgment had been given dismissing the claim , whether that person tried to pursue his claim against a named defendant sued in his own right only , or against a named defendant sued both personally and as a representative of a class , or against a member of that class .
27 Compare this with a ‘ puzzle ’ structure used by the same authors with a similar age group of children who had asked for a ‘ horror mystery ’ drama .
28 You 'd have thought that re-creating it on stage would have the same effect on a modern-day director .
29 Somewhat anomalously , reference may even be made to later statutes , to see the meaning that Parliament puts on the same words in a similar context .
30 The wine label repeated the same words in a floridly ornate script overprinted on a picture , which Sabine recognised instantly .
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