Example sentences of "government [to-vb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Darlington council leader John Williams has already urged the Government to treat the town as a priority for opting out of county council control .
2 We urged the Government to quicken the pace of its pedestrian review of these old permissions and to take powers to enable planning authorities to extinguish without compensation those that would cause an unacceptable level of damage .
3 As the Financial Times pointed out , there are rational arguments for the government to borrow the money , instead of trying to hold down investment in order to raise the funds from private investors and short term price rises for consumers of 7 per cent above inflation or more .
4 For most of the membership the purpose of doing so , however , was not to build a new political party , but to bring pressure to bear on the Government to conduct the war in a more radical spirit .
5 The FUW is pressing the Government to continue the wool guarantee for another year because of the slump in wool sales .
6 They presumably put in train the arrangements for the necessary legislation , as on 27th April , Molesworth introduced a Bill to the House of Commons to enable the Government to acquire the land for the scheme .
7 Mr Rich said many dentists were concerned that not enough money was being made available by the Government to implement the contract and he had approached Mrs Bottomley , Health Secretary , to arrange a meeting .
8 Sir Robert Walpole summed up the motives which had persuaded the government to enable the debt transfer by the South Sea Act ( 6 George I c. 4 ) of 1720 .
9 ‘ Liverpool is implicated in the history of child migrants and should therefore endeavour to put pressure on the government to support the Child Migrant Trust . ’
10 In early 1939 , Lord Hailey had voiced fears that ‘ the problem would frankly become unmanageable ’ , but his appeals to the government to support the refugee cause with public funds had met with blank refusal .
11 As has been seen , many of the grounds put forward by the Government to support the establishment of the Commissioner are equally valid in the area of dismissal disputes .
12 For his part President Mitterrand reported on the steps taken in Paris last weekend by EC heads of government to bolster the crisis ridden economies of Hungary and Poland .
13 Shetland Bird Club took up the issue and have appealed to the government to curb the fishery , even presenting a petition to the Prime Minister .
14 Indeed , it was necessary for the Government to carry the management of those companies with them so that any radical measures to expose the industries to serious restructuring or competition were not on the agenda .
15 The majority believe that it is up to the Government to kick-start the housing market again .
16 If the government could acquire broad discretionary powers under the Defence of the Realm Acts 1914–18 to deal with the emergency could not also a socialist government to meet the peacetime emergencies of poverty and sickness ?
17 In addition to the significant changes which have taken place in local taxation , there have also been attempts by government to modify the tax structure in order to make it more equitable , while at the same time encouraging savings and increasing the base of UK share ownership .
18 The letters show Professor Smith wanted the Government to increase the ceiling on foreign holdings in BAe to 30 per cent — to boost the value of the company — and that Lord Young knew then tax concessions still to be agreed with the Inland Revenue on the deal could amount to nearer £65 million than the £25 million suggested to the commission .
19 From the moment the 1957 White Paper was published , the Army Council maintained discreet but relentless pressure on the Government to increase the ceiling as commitments grew , just as the General Staff had predicted they would do , and as recruiting figures showed that it was practicable to find enough men to take ‘ the Queen 's Shilling ’ .
20 However , Egypt 's grain imports more than doubled between 1970 and 1986 , from under 4 million to almost 9 million tonnes ( about 180 kg per head ) , foreign debt increased twenty-five fold , to over $22 billion , and when the IMF forced the government to increase the price of bread , there were riots in the streets .
21 The Government have done more than any other Government to tighten the regulation of the City , through a series of powerful pieces of legislation .
22 On the same day , re-contra leader José Angel Morán Flores ( known as El Indomable ) relaunched negotiations with the government to contain the violence .
23 In general , the voluntary organisations and some health authorities believe that hospitals should simply close their doors , thus forcing local authorities to provide the essential services in the community and the government to find the cash .
24 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what developments there have been in relation to the attempts by Her Majesty 's Government to secure the extradition of the two Libyan nationals accused of bombing flight PA 103 in 1988 ; and whether he will make a statement .
25 The UK Parliament 's Environment Select Committee has called on the government to encourage the growth of more forests and to revive Britain 's hardwood timber industry .
26 The result forced the government to freeze the sale of 51 per cent of the shares of the state telecommunications body Antel , which it had intended to offer to a foreign company for a sum of around US$500,000,000 .
27 The attempts of the Provisional Government to consolidate the rule of the bourgeoisie duly failed .
28 A report in The Times of Aug. 25 confirmed that prominent PPP leaders had gone underground following attempts by the interim government to implicate the party in shooting incidents in Karachi on Aug. 22 in which 34 people were reported killed .
29 In 1812 , when war broke out between the infant U.S.A. and Britain over territorial disputes on the Canadian border , Eckford was asked by the U.S. Government to supervise the building of warships on the great lakes and to do so he gave up his own business .
30 No , they had not ‘ intimidated ’ the proprietors , they had urged them to sign documents pledging themselves to appeal to government to rescind the Act .
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