Example sentences of "government [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That Sirteco was obliged to do no more than inform the foreign commerce ministry that the waste disposal contract had been paid for illustrates the failure of the Italian government to monitor the international activities of waste disposal companies .
2 The government made the audacious decision to make English the official business language in spite of the fact that 76% of the population is Chinese , 15% Malay and 6.5% Indian
3 Have not the Government given the French-backed consortium a licence to print money ?
4 Today Mrs McNee will be among low income families , pensioners and the disabled campaigning in George Square , Glasgow , for more help from the Government to combat the cold weather .
5 President Clinton 's plans to bolster US industry — particularly the high tech sector , begin to look disturbingly corporatist , and the chief executive of the Baby Bells ' Bell Communications Research , George Heilmeier , seems to feel the same way : he told Reuter that the government should certainly spur industry to construct a national information highway but it should not build it itself : ‘ I do n't think the public sector should operate or control networks that are commercial , ’ he said , ‘ I am not in favour of the government building the national information infrastructure . ’
6 When it fell , the property he had been encouraged to buy by government became the proverbial millstone round his neck and seen too late as a self-inflicted woe .
7 The way to avoid this was to vote Tory and secure a majority government maintaining the existing system .
8 The government expected the Soviet Union to remain Czechoslovakia 's most important trading partner .
9 The process started in 1947 continued in 19485 ; in March the American government passed the Foreign Assistance Act , to enable the ‘ Marshall Aid ’ proposals to be put into effect , and on 17th .
10 As well as pressing the government to support the proposed directive , it also supports the introduction of a model Tobacco Act , which will cover sales of tobacco to children , restrictions on smoking in public places , better education on the health risks of smoking , increased taxation levels and more provision of smoking cessation resources .
11 However , despite all the emergencies , in the first instance , the Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia ( of 18 November 1917 ) boldly committed the new Bolshevik Government to support the national self-determination of Russia 's peoples ‘ even to the point of separation and the formation of an independent State ’ .
12 Every year the government announced the total tonnage to be built of each type of ship and selected which shipbuilders and ( domestic ) owners should be involved .
13 The government tackles the free-rider problem with respect to the financing of BBC services by legal means .
14 A spokesman said that the French government regarded the whole issue as closed .
15 The Australian Government met the British request by sending the Royal Australian Air Force 's Dakota transports of 38 Squadron to Malaya , deploying in May 1950 .
16 JAPAN 'S trade surplus surged in February , intensifying pressure on the government to stimulate the faltering economy and boost imports .
17 It is simply a figure calculated by the government to meet the basic needs of rent , food , clothing , heating and day-today expenses , plus , when necessary , payments for what are called ‘ exceptional needs ’ , such as the renewal of bedding , furniture or household equipment , and payments for ‘ special expenses ’ , such as extra heating , special diet , or essential domestic help ( see leaflet SB1 for details of current scale rates laid down by parliament , and other information ) .
18 Is n't this further evidence that this government has the right policies for British business and the British people .
19 However , there are still problems : cash limits will only be ‘ successful ’ if the government has the political will to set effective limits in the first place , and subsequently to keep to them .
20 Under the Special powers Act the government has the full authority to act and has failed to do so .
21 And on the other hand , the Spanish government has the full backing of the people — who are Catholics !
22 The increased powers of the Secretary of State over a centrally directed system of curriculum and assessment and , indeed , over teachers ' conditions of service , make it ‘ safe ’ for the government to increase the managerial responsibilities of schools .
23 During the February 1975 House of Commons debate on plans by the Wilson Government to increase the civil list allowances to the royal family , Kinnock , then an MP of five years standing , launched into a characteristically blustering attack on ‘ the senior executives of what I may call ‘ the Crown Limited ’ , who were ‘ outrageously overpaid ’ .
24 The government fixed the social rate of interest or test discount rate at 8 per cent and urged nationalized industries to undertake explicit present value calculations for investment decisions using this discount rate .
25 The Scottish Development Agency ( SDA ) was created in 1975 by the Labour government to revive the Scottish economy , and to co-ordinate industrial intervention with environmental improvements .
26 In the context of the new community care legislation , organisations of disabled people are increasing the pressure on central and local government to provide the necessary housing and support services required to enable disabled people to fully participate in society .
27 ‘ The prospects have been greatly improved , ’ he reported breathlessly , ‘ by the promise of the British government to provide the main roads if the stage of mass settlement is reached . ’
28 For a public good-the consumption of which is defined over geographic subsets of the total population and for which the costs of providing each level of output of the good in each jurisdiction are the same for the central government or the respective local government — it will always be more efficient or at least as efficient for local government to provide the Pareto-efficient levels of output for their respective jurisdictions than for central government to provide any specified and uniform level of output across all jurisdictions .
29 In the absence of both the ‘ political will ’ and the social forces which would have been required to go beyond the merely ‘ indicative ’ and technocratic attempt to alleviate the balance of payments constraint , the Wilson government used the only effective levers at its disposal to maintain the external balance : the old standby of fiscal deflation ; incomes policy , to hold down both labour costs of British firms and consumer spending on imports ; and then eventually devaluation of the currency which , although it did not abolish the trade constraint , at least temporarily pre-empted speculative pressure on the pound and brought a period of increased price competitiveness .
30 Whilst welcoming the agreement , the ANC questioned the government 's commitment to the amnesty , pointing out that although the UN stipulated unconditional amnesty for all political crimes , the government retained the exclusive prerogative to grant or refuse amnesty for crimes ranging from leaving the country illegally to murder .
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