Example sentences of "'m [v-ing] [to-vb] at " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm goin' to look at the story first and then tells it in me own way , like what I done with Noah .
2 So erm , you are not to be , in any way , I mean , I 'm going to talk at you anyway , most of the afternoon unfortunately , but I do want you to respond .
3 I 've asked them as well and this might take them into the second week er to start with their pupils process on a Wednesday morning whereby in each classroom there would be a me master year plan even if it means they have to buy four and divide it up but I su I suggest that I would do something , you know , produce one and on that they will write pertinent to the the form to the form er and continue to add on that over , you know as and when it 's relevant er , dates for completion of course work , it might be module testing etcetera and I 'm going to ask at briefing that any anything that a teacher has put down for children , it might be just you know Mi Mr x's group is mentioned at briefing so they can write down what 's pertinent to them and therefore
4 I 'm going to retire at the end of this season
5 ‘ I 'm going to study at home in the evenings .
6 took all of , all of her and burn burn , I 'm going to look at .
7 I 'm going to look at being funny .
8 I 'm going to look at what happens to helium at low temperatures , and in particular I 'm going to see what it does when it 's stuck onto carbon , which it will do very readily .
9 Because it , it 's , it 's not particularly going to grab me because I 'm going to look at it and I 'm going to I 'm going to look down to see what it 's asking me do and certainly a busy news editor is looking down the line to see , and the first thing he 'll actually do is , is just have a , a very fast glance at it , find out what it 's about , and just make sure there 's someone who can be phoned , and what the news editor will do is actually throw it out into a pile of other handouts and there 's usually a journalist who 's , who 's who 's won first prize and their task for the day is to do all the handouts , and all you want to be sure of is that someone can make a phone call and the news editor wo n't , wo n't bother with any with any superfluous detail , all he 'd want to know is that somebody can be contacted , we 'll find out about it later .
10 ‘ I 'm more concerned about how I 'm going to feel at 2.55 on Saturday when the team run out .
11 I 'm going to swell at
12 " And I win over you in one way — I 'm going to have at least a weekend in Joanna .
13 All I 'm trying to do at the moment is to sort of get
14 When , one , one of the changes I 'm trying to do at night is , is to make the nature reserve more attractive to all species .
15 No , but , you , you see what I 'm trying to get at eh Chris , we 've already paid once for this service and then , then asking us to pay again , which annoys me , you 've already paid for the system and there asking you to pay again .
16 But , but you ca can see what I 'm trying to get at .
17 Can you understand what I 'm trying to get at .
18 Mhm see that 's what I 'm trying to get at whether that 's
19 The point I 'm trying to get at sir is that erm it is none of it is in none of our interests , either the planning authorities or even of the developers , that if we were to erm find a strategic sites policy appropriate for this alteration , it 's in none of our interests that it should be confusing to the public or to the development industry as to how rare a thing this should be and how tightly directed it should be in geographical terms .
20 There 's hardly any of the usual vertigo effect , when I 'm trying to see things he 's not looking at , when I 'm trying to look at things he 's not seeing .
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