Example sentences of "year and a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Internal printing and postal services were reviewed during the year and a reduction from four to three staff was made .
2 To the people of his little island , two miles long and three-quarters of a mile wide , ‘ Isle of Muck ’ fetched a tailor from the mainland twice a year and a blacksmith from the Isle of Eigg ( Johnson has not so far reflected upon the name of the laird of Eigg ) .
3 Each of the perjury charges carried a maximum penalty of five years ' imprisonment and a fine of $250,000 , while the possession charges carried maximum sentences of one year and a fine of $100,000 .
4 A chance inquiry into an old debt revealed that the building had never been fully consecrated and thus would revert to Assheton family ownership after a year and a day 's disuse .
5 It must be proved that the defendant 's act or omission caused the death of the victim within a year and a day .
6 The ‘ year and a day ’ rule is a legacy of times when medical science was so rudimentary that , if there was a substantial lapse of time between injury and death , it was unsafe to pronounce on whether the defendant 's conduct or some other event caused the death .
7 In principle , it seems unjust that a homicide conviction should not be possible in such a case , if all the other elements can be established and only the ‘ year and a day ’ rule stands in the way .
8 After a year and a day a hand-fast marriage can be broken , by the man or by the woman .
9 The vicar calls for silence for the ‘ Lord Mayor ’ , who makes a short speech declaring he has been elected for a year and a day .
10 If he does n't do this within the deadline period you then have a year and a day in which to ask the court for an extract decree to be issued .
11 Expansion of their wealth depended upon drawing serfs away from the land to labour in the towns ( thus serfs who could remain hidden within town walls for a year and a day gained freedom from the land ) and on undermining those aristocratic privileges , such as control over roads , which inhibited commercial activity .
12 In a version of " The Unquiet Grave " collected from an old singer in 1906 the ghost of the dead lover returns after a year and a day and asks :
13 For a year and a day the boy did not work and hardly ever spoke but one day when he was watching his father fashion a sword for an important chief he exclaimed " That is not the way to do it " and taking the tools soon made a sword the like of which was never seen before , and so began the famous Islay swords .
14 The year and a day rule applies to this form of manslaughter as to the other ones : Coroner for Inner West London ex p De Luca [ 1988 ] 3 All ER 414 .
15 A year and a day ago he set light to number eight hangar at RAF Hullavington in Wiltshire .
16 Yesterday 's drama came a year and a day after the North Yorkshire shootings in which Special Constable Glenn Goodman was killed and PC Sandy Kelly badly wounded by a hail of bullets fired by on-the-run IRA terrorist Paul Magee .
17 One possible link between the Wakesfield and Tyneside incidents stems from the Gateshead gas depot explosion late on Tuesday night , a year and a day after an IRA killing in Yorkshire .
18 She 's a year and a day
19 The Postgraduate Diploma in Biotechnology may be taken by successfully completing the first year and a literature project .
20 Sean Curtis , TSB Head of Marketing , states : ‘ We had entered into negotiations with Mark McCormack 's IMG company in February of this year and a couple of months later everything was finalised .
21 He won a silver medal for 5,000 metres at the World Junior track championships last year and a couple of months later he took fourth place — again at Junior level — in the World cross country championships in Boston .
22 There is talk of a film later in the year and a couple of ‘ telly notions ’ are in the early stages of development .
23 Following an accident in the 1938 race , however , the Mille Miglia was banned in Italy the following year and a race purporting to be the Mille Miglia was held between Tobruk and Tripoli in north Africa and won by Ercole Boratto ( Ita ) , a former chauffeur of Mussolini .
24 Were you surprised how soon you got into the RSC — and that you have now ended up after only just over a year and a half in the profession playing Juliet and Hermia ?
25 The most damaging feature of the August figures , however , is that they showed no sign , after a year and a half of severe monetary tightening , that the worst was over .
26 If Barclays application to join the Switch network — started by Midland and Royal Bank of Scotland — is successful the electronic direct debit network will expand by at least 30,000 terminals over the next year and a half .
27 For the next year and a half , the attainment of the monetarist objectives proved exceptionally difficult .
28 My wardrobe may not be as current these days , and I hardly saw a movie for a year and a half while I was getting myself back on my feet financially .
29 Mick Ronson : ‘ It was a really exciting period then because Tony DeFries got involved , which was about maybe a year and a half after I first played with David .
30 ‘ I went out with him for a year and a half , ’ she replies .
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