Example sentences of "year [coord] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Membership can run for a full year or for a half year ( either January 1 — June 30 or July 1 to December 31 ) .
2 One year A tenant may only serve a request for a new tenancy under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s26 , if his tenancy was granted for a term of years certain exceeding one year or for a term of years certain and thereafter from year to year ( Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s26(1) ) .
3 I knew they would return ; perhaps tomorrow , in a year or in a million years , but they would be back .
4 The elections , which involved well over a quarter of the electorate , were seen both as a dress rehearsal for the North-Rhine Westphalian Land elections in May next year and as a test of the political mood in the country .
5 Mr Blazer also died that year and as a mark of respect and lack of interest the club folded , only to re-appear in 1931 , widening their appeal by becoming Mitchley and Whaddon Athletic .
6 We propose to carry that principle forward , both in communal discussions next year and as a key part of the British presidency in the second half of 1992 .
7 ALAN McCloskey , from the Rook 's Nest , Armoy , has strung together some wonderful performances this year and as a fitting reward he has been re-elected secretary of the Ballymoney pool league .
8 Then there is Phil Larder , the third member of the management team which led Great Britain to victory over Australia in Sydney last year and to a 2-1 series win over New Zealand recently .
9 Then there is Phil Larder , the third member of the management team which led Great Britain to victory over Australia in Sydney last year and to a 2-1 series win over New Zealand recently .
10 The timing of training sessions was investigated in some depth and the importance of fitting the training to a particular time of year and to a particular size of training package at specific times of day was revealed .
11 Up for grabs today is a K-Reg Metro 1.4s , worth around £10,000 on the road which will come to our winner fully taxed for a year and with a full tank of petrol .
12 Today 's super prize is a Rover Metro 1.1s , worth around £9,500 on the road , which will come to our winner fully taxed for a year and with a full tank of petrol .
13 Between 1768 and 1771 Barnard , on a salary of £200 a year and with a purchasing allowance of £2,000 a year , travelled on the Continent , buying books , visiting many of the principal cities , and taking advantage of the recent dispersal of many Jesuit libraries .
14 The studies reported in this table did not control for maturity or seasonality effects in the distribution , that is , they studied the distribution of futures price changes or returns across all seasons of the year and for a variety of contract maturities ( maturity effects on the distribution are discussed in Chapter 8 , while seasonality effects are considered in Chapter 9 ) .
15 I I was hoping for something different this year and for a budget that erm er proposed that did n't depend on er us taking far more from reserves than any other party .
16 I think it 's fair to say he 's the first one to acknowledge that but he did win the gold medal and as a result he became yachtsman of the year and at a time when there is very a much heightened interest in the problems of disabled and people with visual impairment it was a real boost for sailors who have those problems that we did so well during the year .
17 In 1964 he was voted European Footballer of the Year and in a long career with Scotland he won 55 caps and earned the interchangeable nicknames ‘ Denis The Menace ’ or simply ‘ The King ’ .
18 Shortly before this stage — around the tenth year but with a wide variability — the hypothalamus , a small area at the base of the brain , somehow " triggers " a small gland just below it ( the pituitary gland ) into producing two hormones which it has not previously produced .
19 The tenancy was not from year to year but for a term which would continue until Matlodge certified that it was ready to proceed with the development of the property .
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