Example sentences of "year we [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Each year we review the cost of Friends subscriptions and take into account the level of admission charges at Historic Scotland properties , the costs charged by comparable organisations in Scotland and elsewhere in the United Kingdom and the service we provide to Friends .
2 Help us give every child a passport to health … and make 1990 the year we break the grip of the six killer diseases .
3 Also , as you all know , the festive season is fast approaching and in Glasgow the Committee will be helping to sell raffle tickets to raise funds for a good cause , every year we hold a raffle on the day of the Christmas lunch and we are hoping that this year we will raise a substantial amount .
4 Once a year we hold a Careers Convention in School to which all pupils and parents are invited .
5 Then after half a year we get the tapes and they go back and we say that something may have to be changed .
6 Every year we observe the changes in heat and length of daylight , the migrations of birds , the falling of leaves in Autumn , and the rebirth of plant and animal life in Spring .
7 We have a brand new one five year erm insurance , part and labour everything two two year we notice the water 's not pumping off fast enough so the water 's dripping backwards .
8 Last summer we held a successful day for teachers working in specialist areas ( with stroke patients and with the mentally handicapped ) and this year we plan a weekend of dance with a guest teacher from Germany .
9 Every year we have a new finance bill which sets lawyers and accountants considerable problems of interpretation .
10 It is true that this year we have a public sector borrowing requirement of about £10 billion or £10.5 billion , but with the strength of sterling and of previous national sector repayments , borrowing , and debt , that is something we can meet .
11 Here we are each year we have a huge celebration of the devil and nobody says a thing .
12 Emmanuel Guhirwa , the student affairs officer at Liverpool John Moores , said : ‘ At the start of each year we have a campaign to get the message about personal and home security across .
13 I mean every year we have a campaign from about the middle of January to the end of February where we promote British holidays through our shop windows , and in fact I was just totting up our advertising spend in the last four or five weeks and I would say we have spent almost a hundred thousand pounds on partner advertising for Lunn Poly — book your holiday at Lunn Poly for U K holidays .
14 This year we have an Andean folk group from Peru , as well as singers form Opera North .
15 So every fourth year we have an extra day in February which we call leap year .
16 Last year we got caught on the break too many times … this year we have the pace/organisation to deal with that … and Lukic is nt bad at 1 on 1 's …
17 Mr Thomas added : ‘ This year we have the opportunity to examine ourselves , our communities and our attitudes .
18 Next year we have the European Parliament Elections , the only national test before the next General Election .
19 This year we see the third and final pack on evangelisation .
20 This year we face a general election .
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