Example sentences of "over the [num] year " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is a matter of some regret ’ , he writes , ‘ that the Court did not see fit to investigate civil law developments over the twelve year period since Corbett was decided . ’
2 To bring out the contrast with UK policy , we can consider a specific case , that of the MMC inquiry into the White Salt Market. ; Two firms supplied virtually the entire UK salt market and , over the 13 year period taken by the MMC , their prices had been identical and had changed identically within a few weeks of each other .
3 Assessment of progress will be carried out over the two year period and will be based on the completion of design notebooks , workbooks , pattern drafts , knitted samples and garments and finally a written examination .
4 This comparison is possible because the list size remained largely unchanged over the two year study .
5 Head of Department : ‘ I 'll sound out the department on paint and the pupils on homework and think about setting more creative work over the two year ‘ A ’ Level course . ’
6 And the number of U K holidays taken , domestic holidays in this country , that figure fell by seventeen percent and yet we can see here that holidays actually taken abroad by U K residents rose a staggering fifty seven percent over the four year period .
7 I did say that it 's probable that concealed households will be formed over the fifteen year period .
8 Just turning briefly to the issue of affordable housing , you 'll see from my H One submissions the City Council has a target , er which is in the the York area housing strategy , which is currently with the D O E for its consideration , of something like a hundred and fifty dwellings a year , giving over the fifteen year period a two thousand two hundred target , how we will go about achieving that is primarily , where it 's possible using land we already own , or is in ownership of housing associations , and taking into account the the seven dwellings outside the current city boundary , we believe in total they will contribute some fifteen hundred dwellings towards that two thousand two hundred target , this will leave clearly a significant shortfall , and it will therefore be necessary to seek to negotiate , if I can use the terms of P B G 3 erm with house builders as sites come forward in in the local during the local plan period .
9 Deposits can be made by regular savings or by lump sum deposits subject to a maximum of £9,000 over the five year period but you may not deposit more than £3,000 in the first year or £1,800 in any succeeding year .
10 The study , which includes flame retardants , antioxidants , heat stabilisers , light stabilisers , colorants and blowing agents , forecasts an 18 per cent growth over the five year period with sales rising from $1200m in 1991 to $1300m in 1996 .
11 This means that it is possible to follow their activities closely over the 2 year period of the project .
12 We are extremely critical of the strategy outlined in draft guidance because it seeks to meet a projected near doubling in aggregates consumption over the 20 year period 1991 to 2011 .
13 In the South Wales region it is expected that the annual quantity required from this source will rise from about 2.8 mt to 3.6 mt over the 20 year period , despite the fact that as a proportion of overall consumption it will fall from 15% to 10% .
14 We are extremely critical of the strategy outlined in draft guidance because it seeks to meet a projected near doubling in aggregates consumption over the 20 year period 1991 to 2011 .
15 In the South Wales region it is expected that the annual quantity required from this source will rise from about 2.8 mt to 3.6 mt over the 20 year period , despite the fact that as a proportion of overall consumption it will fall from 15% to 10% .
16 The guidelines envisage that over the 20 year period to 2011 the proportion of aggregates supply met from primary land-based sources in the region will decline from 65% to around 45% , despite a net increase in output .
17 Despite increased teaching loads over the past three years , the School , as a whole , has very substantially increased its research funding and its research output , over the 3–4 year period of assessment .
18 The H pylori antibody positivity rate of 39% of young adults in 1969 is somewhat higher than that reported by other surveys and the consistency of our antibody results over the 21 year period that the testing is valid .
19 Looking at the world 's 20 million bedrooms , he also estimates that replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescents would not only save two thirds of the energy needed to produce the same amount of light but would , over the 5–10 year lifespan of the compact , keep out of the atmosphere 100 million tons of CO2 .
20 We 've been together eight years now — so we 're over the seven year itch , not that I had one .
21 It should also be noted that there is a mileage restriction over the three year period of 12,000 miles a year .
22 The examples below are a selection to illustrate the types of changes envisaged over the three year period up to 1995 .
23 In terms of the papers in front of you this morning , Chair , the position is that , that is addressed over the three year period , and the figures do fluctuate between years , so there is a , as we 'll see later in the paper , there is a , a net expenditure total in year one which increases in year two , but then is offset by a , a reduction in year three .
24 It is also clear that these concerns and impacts are likely to increase significantly over the twenty year period covered by the guidance note , and beyond .
25 It is also clear that these concerns and impacts are likely to increase significantly over the twenty year period covered by the guidance note , and beyond .
26 During Mark 's absence in Spain , ‘ the mole ’ Fred Klepner had spent countless hours going over the Ten Year Business plan which was to be the subject of the presentation Mark was to give to Nate Cocello at the next Planning Committee meeting .
27 Faced now with an AOC budget for 1993 of £24 million — a cumulative increase in charges of nearly twenty per cent per annum — we can see no relationship between this figure and the rate of inflation over the ten year period , or with the numbers of operators ( 21 in 1983 , 246 currently ) or aircraft involved ’ .
28 For example , over the ten year period ( 1991 to 2001 ) the Welsh Office predicts a population growth of about 80,000 people .
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