Example sentences of "back at [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Parents were merely using it as a front to hit back at them over the premises issue .
2 Her carved eyeballs stared back at them with the uncanny blindness of statues , who seem always to be perceiving another dimension , where everything is statues .
3 That would get back at them for their currency chicanery which cost us so dear .
4 He could get back at them in some commando-style way .
5 Ever since he had been at high school he 'd found some enjoyment and relief by getting back at them in ways they obviously did n't expect .
6 Dozens of people with rucksacks glare back at them from the platform as they wait for their substandard ‘ Sprinter ’ to turn up ; wet , cold and miserable perhaps , but at least secure in the knowledge that they will eventually travel through the same scenery without parting with their life savings .
7 Vass looked back at her through narrowed dark eyes .
8 As she did so , the windscreen reflected the cloudy sky back at her as a white sheet .
9 He screams back at her to be still .
10 She stared at the doll which Nanny had put on the shelf , and the doll stared back at her with cold blue eyes .
11 He smiled back at her with a look of sad , Portuguese love in his expression .
12 Her object , a northern Irish succentor who looked , in spite of his beard , young enough to be one of his own choir boys , smiled back at her with real warmth .
13 Loathing for the other woman rose in Shae 's chest like an icy-cold wave , but she resolutely contained the feeling , staring back at her with a bland expression that gave nothing of her inner turmoil away .
14 Then , as the blue eyes looked back at her with a flicker of curiosity , she responded automatically , ‘ So , you have trouble sleeping ?
15 Ronni stared back at her with a sense of helpless inevitability , suddenly , with a shiver , putting two and two together .
16 He gazed back at her across the stained table with appalled eyes , linked to her by that bloodstained gurgle of water which was gushing through both their minds , sharing the same dreadful imagining of that silently emerging figure , the raised and bloody knife .
17 Guido was already heading down the corridor towards his own room , but he stopped suddenly and glanced back at her across his shoulder .
18 Josey looked back at her in silence , then she reached across and touched her , causing the tears to fly once more to Lisa 's eyes .
19 Taking all her words and throwing them back at her in silly high voices .
20 She put her glasses back on and the lashes , horrifically magnified through the lenses , curled back at her like gigantic spiders ' legs .
21 Huge pools of eyes stared back at her from the dead white planes of the face .
22 When a few minutes later , amid the oohs and aahs from the three women , she stood and looked at the person staring back at her from the long mirror , she could n't believe it was herself .
23 She slipped it off its hanger and held it against herself and it was almost as if the face looking back at her from the mirror across it was fourteen years old again .
24 By the time Vidal Sassoon had finished with her Paula 's long fair locks had been shorn to a sharp geometric shape and she scarcely recognised the reflection that looked back at her from the mirror .
25 Looking back at her from the mirror , with eyes like saucers , was a small , olive-green frog .
26 She was saddened and alarmed by the white face and big dark eyes that stared back at her from a thinner face than she remembered .
27 DeVore looked back at her from where he sat on the edge of her bed and smiled .
28 And she might have accepted that but for the wry flicker in the eyes of the reflection that had looked back at her from the bathroom mirror .
29 She had switched the apartment air-conditioning off , distrusting its effect on the health , and for a while she tried to convince herself that it was the unaccustomed humidity that made her so restless , but she did n't really believe it , and the eyes that looked back at her from her bathroom mirror in the morning were shadowy , and hunted .
30 She hardly recognised the vibrant image that looked back at her from the glass with wide , baffled eyes bright through weak , stupid tears .
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