Example sentences of "back [coord] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 If the victim is not edible the reptile quickly slithers away into hiding , but if it is a suitable prey it simply sits back and waits for the animal 's agonies to cease .
2 Ziggurat Stardust : Alex Paterson lies back and waits for lift-off
3 Sometimes a single son or daughter will give up their own home to come back and care for parents .
4 For the time being , find the Prior and tell him that I am back and arrange for some hot water to be brought here . ’
5 It was far safer to start a town off with a charter , a market and a fair , and a few other practical inducements to settlers , and then to sit back and hope for the best .
6 Seated in one of Kanazawa Industrial University library 's viewing booths , they just pick the tape they want to see front the list displayed , punch in its number , then sit back and wait for the programme to start .
7 Once the message was on the wire , he had little else to do except sit back and wait for a few days .
8 ‘ They find accommodation where they set up a nursery , then sit back and wait for the right opportunity to arise .
9 That was precisely what women had done in the past — sit back and wait for men to make the running .
10 I think Leeds function as a better team without him playing , when he does play I get the feeling that the other players sit back and wait for him to produce the move that will lead to the scores .
11 Let's just sit back and consolidate for a while .
12 He leant back and paused for a moment .
13 She suddenly rose to her feet , pushing her chair back and reaching for her bag .
14 CEM Joad came back and rushed for the nearest Vicar .
15 She sat back and reached for her brandy .
16 But , instead , he drew back and reached for her brandy glass .
17 As a practical measure , keep a full record of all jobs that you apply for and the responses that you receive to show that you have not simply sat back and waited for the money to roll in .
18 So , with flight planning filed , mostly mentally , I sat back and waited for the weather to give me a perfect day .
19 She stepped back and waited for him to comment on her dress .
20 The DDA sat back and waited for the Exec Director to continue .
21 With Lithuania not given a snowball 's chance , Lansdowne Road sat back and waited for the avalanche … and waited … and waited .
22 Four times people at higher levels tried to kill it off , and four times the people working on it came back and fought for it , argued for it , provided justification and evidence for why it should continue : ‘ Just give us a little more time ; we know we can make it work . ’
23 ‘ We have sent it back and asked for a translation . ’
24 Then he came back and asked for a cup of tea .
25 So , in the end rather than send it back and ask for
26 I sat back and relaxed for a moment .
27 ‘ It 's a difficult thing to cope with but if you can , you become an improved player , particularly when you go back and play for your country . ’
28 David Pyper was also among those battling in front in the early stages but eventually dropped back and settled for fourth .
29 They much appreciate the work being done by Mrs Doyle , but they are not in a walk of life where they can sit back and wait for better times .
30 Such is the relief of producing the final report that there is a great temptation to sit back and wait for congratulations .
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