Example sentences of "back [art] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Unable to sleep he had drawn back the front flaps of his hut to watch the spectacular storm and had been startled to see her dashing across the flooded clearing in the glare of the lightning flashes .
2 FRANCIS Lee told crisis club Manchester City 's supporters and shareholders today : ‘ I 'm ready to help bring back the good times to Maine Road but only with your backing . ’
3 The pair are to leave their families at their Wirral homes and motor hundreds of miles in a race to bring back the first bottles of Beaujolais to Liverpool .
4 When both of us were back the new arrangements would come into full working .
5 ‘ There we hope to continue to push back the technological frontiers and reduce the 3D turnaround cycle even further by doing even more of the seismic processing on board the vessel , ’ he says .
6 Yet , even as she squealed , she pushed back the tormented cheeks of her arse on to him .
7 The defence infused a breathless energy into every move ; they bustled the northern cracks into comparative impotence ; they beat back this magnificent fighting line which has been the terror of a dozen clubs as a break-water hurls back the lashing waves .
8 Determined not to play into his hands , Luce bit back the curious questions , and simply waited .
9 The force of repression is like a great dam that holds back the raging torrents of the instincts of the unconscious and allows er some of them through , but others break through in holes , and holes and cracks appear which are the unconscious returning as one
10 When they waved to her , and held up little Enoch to see her better , she could no longer keep back the blinding tears .
11 But they would roll back the great doors that divided the hall from the morning room , and carpets would have been lifted and floors polished , earlier in the day .
12 Boss Peter Scarff asked Maureen to sign a letter saying she would not back the ousted men .
13 They walked out to his car together in a contented silence , and when they got there he came round to the passenger side to hold back the low tendrils of an overhanging jasmine vine so she could slide easily into the seat .
14 It brought back the long months of bitterness and loneliness she had suffered , shut away on her father 's estate .
15 The famous passage about the madeleine , the little cake whose associations call back the forgotten scenes of the narrator 's childhood , would have caused the Hartleian in Wordsworth to applaud .
16 A massive demonstration of trade union muscle on Saturday , when 5,000 placard-waving supporters gathered in the city square , heard the stakes in the dispute raised dramatically with a call to shut the factory for good if management did not take back the 340 strikers .
17 [ Guevara then went on to mention ] some things he had in mind : — ( 1 ) That they could not give back the expropriated properties … but they could pay for them in trade .
18 He touched her face gently , his thumb brushing her cheek , his fingers lightly smoothing back the straying tendrils of her hair .
19 Japan was a country which had achieved ‘ modernization ’ , which could offer a model to other industrializing nations ; the militarism and aggression of the 1930s was an aberration , explicable largely in political terms , the ability of a small group to turn back the liberal trends of the twenties .
20 Pale moonlight lanced through winter skies , the clouds withdrawing for a moment so that the bleak , whorled stone gleamed silver , reflecting back the cool rays .
21 On a part of Blakerigg at the foot of the gill from Blea Tarn there was a place with a fine echo , and Green imagined ‘ Music amid such wilds ! ah ! how charming , plaintive solos on the clarinet or flute would have a fine effect amongst such rocks , which during the intervals of rest , would echo back the melancholy notes in soft reverberations , and produce in the mind a union of the most pleasing sensations . ‘
22 Suddenly the pressure was off Mr Kaifu to take back the tainted men .
23 ‘ Is that also the reason you will assume Fergus 's mantle and go into the Far Future to bind the Apocalypse and turn back the Four Horsemen ? ’
24 They had built up the industry on cheap labour , and their only answer to the challenge of foreign competition was to attempt to cut back the limited improvements in wages and hours which had been secured during and immediately after the war .
25 Talbot was on deck when the launch brought back the six survivors .
26 This year , a huge worldwide advertising campaign was launched to bring back the lost visitors , to a ‘ new , kinder , more ethnically integrated ’ country .
27 For example , if a breach were to affect the profitability of the Business , it would be unfair to compensate the Purchaser by simply paying back the lost profits when the Purchaser has paid a price calculated by reference to a multiple of profits .
28 The engagements used to go to the artists who brought them back the best presents from their tours abroad .
29 ‘ That reminds me , I must give you back the two pounds you sent me .
30 The party captured three seats in total , winning back the two seats it lost after the resignations of James Rodgers and daughter Glenda .
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