Example sentences of "back [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , if you take the back off a watch you wo n't find 15 individual flip-flops inside .
2 Maybe I 've strayed into another world and I 'll get back through a looking-glass .
3 To look back through a history of censorship in libraries is an instructive and fascinating experience ( and there is no better way than through Thompson 's Censorship in public libraries in the United Kingdom during the Twentieth Century ) .
4 He parked the car a street away and walked back through a gauntlet of whispers and stony smiles .
5 She flicked back through a number of the loose-leaf pages , quickly at first and then slowing as the date that she was seeking came closer .
6 You ca n't save calculations , but you can track back through a chain of arithmetic , alter figures , and see the alterations reflected in the final sum .
7 As Adam looked back through the split in the gates , he saw Curly Top , saw the evil hatred in his eyes .
8 There was no one at the pumping station in the Old Town , so the two of them headed back through the dockside streets to find out what was happening .
9 The outer side of the algal ridge is often interrupted by a system of spurs and grooves , the latter running back through the ridge as a series of surge channels , which may even become roofed over in places by the development of Porolithon from their sides .
10 We turned back through the village again and up to Claro .
11 Rutherford said that he would give him a 20-minute start , then drive back through the village and collect him .
12 Push the crate left to hit the switch , go down , collect the star and fly up , left and then down , go left , collect the star , fly straight right , then fly up , land on one of the platforms on the side of the wall , jump up and go right on the chair-lifts , go down , right through the wall , climb up the blocks , push the crate down two platforms and go back through the wall , go left , down , right and jump onto the boat , go right , up and left into the tent to complete the game .
13 Their fingers interlocked and tightened , and when he pulled her hand back through the wall , she made no effort to resist him .
14 Composer also has a MIDI facility to play back through the PC speaker .
15 Bert shuffled back through the door into the boarded off section of the garage , followed by Yanto , who was frustrated by the old man 's slowness .
16 Entitled ‘ Potential human carcinogens : methods for identification and characterisation ’ , it was promptly kicked back through the door by several well-respected cancer specialists who were asked to review it .
17 He would expect his visitor to come back through the door to the kitchen .
18 The transaction seems to embarrass him because he insists on carrying it out in the corridor out of sight of his secretary , whose fluffy blue feet have just slipped and slid back through the door of his office .
19 I threw myself back through the door , falling to the ground .
20 The staircase was filled with the sounds of bellowing , screaming and thrashing shadows as Duvall burst back through the door after Barbara .
21 The exit to the roof was on the other side of floor 5 so Ralph went back through the door into the large room .
22 She had grabbed his hand and his cane firmly in her hands and was trying to pull him back through the water .
23 We walk back through the park and disperse : tonight they 're going to a party , it 's Paul from The Soup Dragons ’ birthday .
24 Walking back through the park , and carefully holding the children 's hands as they crossed the busy road , Laura found it almost impossible to ignore her friend 's sly suggestion .
25 At the end of the utterance HARPY traces the optimal path back through the tree .
26 Charlie looked quickly back through the half-light towards Trentham who said , ‘ Bloody Huns .
27 Suddenly , the dogs who were sniffing this exciting new country stopped ; ears raised , hair rising on their necks , they backed slowly towards John and Mary , then they howled and turned and ran back through the cutting , leaving John and Mary puzzled and a bit frightened .
28 Pressing the ESCAPE key at any other time will lead you quickly back through the menu system until you reach the main menu again .
29 Holding a length of silk in its beak , it then pierces a hole in the leaf and pushes the silk through it , tying a little knot in the end to prevent the thread from slipping back through the hole and then doing the same thing on the other side so that the two leaf surfaces are secured to one another .
30 Managers may respond by devising routines which will improve the output results but these will have a dramatic effect upon the processes of education back through the school life of every child .
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