Example sentences of "good [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 Neutral tint is a good base for the colour of cloud shadows .
2 Busy carers may make good provision for the physical needs of the parent without considering how they must be feeling .
3 He retires with our good wishes for the future .
4 The present incumbent was a retired Yorkshire miner and after many thanks and good wishes for the festive season the ensemble played themselves out with a lively rendering of ‘ Ilkley Moor ’ .
5 For the areas of work traditionally offered by lawyers , the legal aid scheme provides very good coverage for the poor .
6 There were , then , good reasons for the very positive side of the Stewart monarchy .
7 This may seem blindingly obvious to the newcomer to the discipline , but there were very good reasons for the disputes that took place .
8 The grounds of appeal were , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the justices had exercised their discretion to award costs on the wrong principles as it had not been shown that the local authority had acted in bad faith or unreasonable in the performance of its statutory duties or had acted unreasonably in the conduct of the proceedings before the court ; ( 2 ) there were no circumstances which justified the making of the costs order ; ( 3 ) the justice should have found that there were good reasons for the local authority to be concerned about the father 's ability to care for the children , the local authority was not bound to adopt the view of the guardian ad litem and the local authority had communicated the decision not to oppose the father 's application within a reasonable time on receiving the report of the guardian ad litem ; ( 4 ) the justices had been wrong to assume that the change in the view of the local authority amounted to an admission that the views of the local authority had been wrong all the time .
9 There are good reasons for the failures , we are sure .
10 Changes in social and commercial conditions , and changes in the moral values of the community , mean that the Courts will not always find the same reasons for the enforcement of promises to be good today as their forbears did ; equally it is likely that they will often find good reasons for the enforcement of promises where their predecessors did not .
11 Once he knew there were good reasons for the ritual , he was happy .
12 Charles Gordon , Strathclyde 's vice-chairman of roads and transportation , said Mr Freeman 's comments underlined the good reasons for the regional council 's refusal to invest further in rail unless it was assured the PTE was involved in franchising services .
13 Arthur Sidney Herbert , who died suddenly in hospital in April 1991 at the age of 78 , was a member of Ealing for over 40 years and in his younger days was a good all-rounder for the first XI .
14 I am pleased to say that there are now signs — after the improvement in recent years and with further improvements — that British Coal will be able to secure good contracts for the future .
15 These were good times for the intrepid forefathers of our breed .
16 Indeed , such an academic structure might provide a good opportunity for the exercise suggested by Graff , in which students ( many of whom would probably be women ) would consider a feminist anthology of women poets of the past , and discuss how far they are admissible into the existing poetic canon , and what theoretical criteria might govern such admission .
17 Clearly , however , the disputed collectorship was creating an unusually good opportunity for the enemies of the Montrose interest to split that interest and thus prepare the way for an attack upon it on a future occasion .
18 As they were both due in London in connection with the case , and as Coleman was also there seeing Salinger , Buhler suggested that it might be a good opportunity for the three of them to get together .
19 AFTER five minutes Loughlins missed a good opportunity for the Swifts .
20 It is a good opportunity for the couple to combine their tastes and talents .
21 Dave Thomas , spokesman for the band , said it was a good opportunity for the band to reach a wider audience .
22 A further ‘ flaw ’ in the Bond conditions , but written in in good faith for the security of the Club in its early days , was the option of the Bondholders to receive either 3% interest , or free playing membership if holding a block of 4 x £25 bonds .
23 A director owes a fiduciary duty to the company ; there is nothing which a director can do in his or her capacity as a director which is not required to be done in good faith for the benefit of the company .
24 On the facts of most of them breach of duty could have been established on the conventional ground that the directors had failed to act in good faith for the benefit of the company .
25 The director of a company has a duty to carry on the business of that company in all respects in good faith for the benefit of that company and not for the benefit of other group companies .
26 The City keeper denied Millwall 's new signing John Byrne just before the end , but it was a good debut for the £250,000 signing from Sunderland .
27 Jigsaws are a good purchase for the d-i-yer trying to build up a reasonably comprehensive tool kit .
28 Tiredness was frequently a good excuse for the moods in which he would be less than charming. ,
29 Bowles and Gintis criticise the human capital theory as providing ‘ a good ideology for the status quo ’ and for the fact that ‘ the contribution of schooling to growth over the last half century may on balance have been negative . ’
30 And yet Penzias makes a good case for the new golden age , and his urbane discourse is both enlivening and instructive .
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