Example sentences of "'re look at the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 'll look at that when we 're looking at the commercial and marketing risk .
2 ‘ We 're looking at the resistance mechanisms and hope to develop technology to control insects by stopping them developing resistance . ’
3 ‘ You 're looking at the next Sugar Ray , ’ I was assured by one youth before he had even sparred in training !
4 ‘ If you 're looking for a Messiah or a missionary , you 're looking at the wrong man , ’ says one of John Major 's close friends , irked by the relentless calls for leadership and vision .
5 After a pause , she adds , ‘ But we 're looking at the technology . ’
6 You prefer well packaged routine holidays in popular tourism destinations and you 're looking at the three Ss or four Ss we should say .
7 And therefore when you 're looking at the nutritional value you need to be very aware of that .
8 You 're not looking at the stream , you 're looking at the bloody quality and you ca n't stop yourself doing it . ’
9 You 're you 're looking at the carbonate trying to work out what on earth goes on here what is the salt when you drop hydrochloric acid onto the carbonate .
10 ‘ We 're looking at the picture , papa , ’ Branwell said .
11 They 're looking at the same place where … ’
12 So , so really you 're looking at the values in it you see
13 ‘ You 're looking at the ideal client over there , dear boy .
14 While you 're looking at the power supply situation , take a minute to check that the mains plug does not have any loose connections .
15 So you got a cell that 's not got any entry in it , is not formatted , so you 're looking at the panel you can see that there 's no , nothing in the parenthesis , and there 's no U. So if you copy a blank cell , over what you want to erase .
16 But I 've copied over to the same place , what it seems to be doing provided the cell pointed out , you 're looking at the top left .
17 Er , then then it , when you 're looking at the back , unusual part of the Lotus again , you know which page of the manual to go , or all of the help screens .
18 We 're looking at the roads er for North Yorkshire this Saturday afternoon .
19 Because of course we 're looking at the importance of bringing this on right from the time that a man joins as a recruit , and I realize that 's when they 're very vulnerable indeed , they 're unfit probably , they 're nervous , they 're not a team yet , and we 've developed all sorts of things .
20 Yeah , but we 're looking at the financial side , are n't we really ?
21 with , everything is being reduced , and everything is being squeezed , we 're looking at the , the mentally er , handicapped people er , and their report , we 're being pressurized to look after them as well .
22 If we 're looking at the question of services coming together to deal with the emergency erm obviously I suppose the army and that will come in on a voluntary basis which but it might be necessary to see where someone could be authority to coordinate the services and bring it whatever is required .
23 Fourteen two , erm the great problem is it 's easier to get if an afternoon meeting can finish at a reasonable time , then I can probably but erm I think if you , if you 're looking at the clock when home in the evening for a number of reasons it might be then I would this and unless we can sort of put a restricted time on the agenda which is impossible , I can imagine coming down here at two o'clock for the meeting .
24 you 're looking at the velocity , that 'll be velocity , so where it 's not changing , there , the slope is zero , no acceleration .
25 Er the A sixty one , it varies whether you 're looking at the A sixty one south or the A sixty one north as to what percentage and what flow er is through traffic and also between which e elements or which radials we 're talking about because there 's A sixty one to A sixty one , there 's also A sixty one to A fifty nine which is also through traffic .
26 we 're looking at the most likely scenario being appointing nobody , and if we do appoint somebody a complaint examiner , it seems ,
27 If you jump , yes you 're looking at the right place , but you 've jumped ahead .
28 Erm , right , we 'll have Shirley as the client , and we 're a life company and we 're looking at the cost of providing Shirley with life cover .
29 So we 're looking at the amount we take out of her plan each month to cover for life cover .
30 Absolutely , absolutely , you 're looking at the sum assured that the client has got , being supported by the fund .
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